Authority of Scripture
Authority of Scripture
Authority of Scripture
The Bible, the Holy Scriptures, are the foundation of our faith. As good Bible students we must agree to start here whenever we face a controversial subject or worldview questions. This blog is based on simple Scripture. As a good Bible student, I am committed to do my best to represent what Jesus and the Apostles spoke. I believe and preach only what is found in the Holy Scriptures. I do not follow or teach traditions or teaching of men or some church organization. Authority is found only in the Holy Scriptures.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 – “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”
We must be humble and accept the fact that it doesn’t matter what you or I think or how we feel. The authority of Scriptures is the bottom line. We must always go back and see what the Bible has to say in regards to any subject. The words therein have been inspired by God and are to teach, to admonish, and to correct us. They train us to live a righteous and godly life.
Inspiration of Scripture
Remember, the language we are reading is most likely not the original language that it was written in. Most Bibles are a translation done by men. The Bible was inspired, not the translations. Authority is in the Scriptures, not in translations.
Compare different versions of the Bible to get a better idea as to what the verse means. Also, going to a site like Bible Hub to see the Greek and Hebrew can help clarify.
Remember, the Bible CANNOT contradict itself!
If the Bible clearly says something 100 or 1000 times, and then says something that could possibly be taken differently 3 times, where it could mean something else on its own, then logically the explanation should go to the majority of clear verses. Remember, the authority is in the Scriptures, not in the local church or the church “fathers.”
Seek and Ask
God wants us to understand! He wants us to know Him and His kingdom plan. He desires that all people be saved. If that is true, then He must make salvation attainable and Himself able to be found. If God is real, and His words are true, then He cannot be a “mystery”, nor His reward a fantasy.
1 Timothy 2: 4 “(God) desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
If we want to understand, all we have to do is just SEEK and ASK!
James 1:5-6 “if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting…”
Jesus spoke in parables at times because he wanted people to genuinely seek to understand what he was talking about. And those who came and asked, he told them plainly.
Jesus also said that he was there to represent his Father and point people to the One True God.
God desires to be found and He doesn’t hide Himself or His truths in the Scriptures. We must seek Him and His truth with a genuine desire to know Him. Then, we are guaranteed to find Him.
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