


Abortion:  Is the Bible Pro-choice or Pro-life?

Although the Bible is pro-choice in many ways, abortion is still sin.  God does allow you to choose to do evil or to do what is right.  You can choose blessings or you can choose curses.  You can choose to obey or you can choose to disobey.  As a result, there are consequences for our choices.  Everything has consequences, good or bad.  Free will give us choices.  I can choose to run out in front of a semi-truck if I want to, but there would be a very bad consequence.

Choose for Yourself, Not Someone Else

In reality, you have the right to choose what you want to do.  And although those choices affect others, you do not have a right to decide anything for someone else. 

The Bible does not say that you have a right to choose to end somebody else’s life, especially a child.  It doesn’t matter how long they have been alive, two days or two years, and it is of no regard whether the baby was in the mother’s womb or outside of it.  To willfully end the life is murder.

What you can choose is to have sex or to abstain. Not having sex is the only way that you are guaranteed not to get pregnant.

Pregnancy is not a Sin, Abortion Is

Being pregnant is not a sin. Having sex outside of marriage is a sin.  Killing an unborn baby whether you are married or not, is a sin.  Obviously, you can do what you want, but there are grave consequences not only for your child, but for you as well.


If you have already had an abortion, you can’t change that.  But God can forgive you and He will forgive you if you repent and seek His forgiveness.

Often people choose abortion for selfish reasons, out of convenience, or because they don’t think that they can care for a child.  Undoubtedly, there are many people who cannot have children and would love to give your child a good home and the love the baby deserves.

Adoption, Not Abortion

If you have made one mistake and have had sex outside of marriage, do not make another mistake by having your child murdered because your bad choices.

There are many organizations that will help you to get you on your feet if you desire to keep your child, or they can help with adoption.

Life Begins at Conception

A child’s life begins at conception (we will discuss this in another blog post), so using a pill after sex or other forms of birth control that kill a baby that has already been conceived, are also sin.  These methods are the same as an abortion, they just kill the baby much earlier.

Birds & Babies

It is interesting that you can get fined or go to jail for killing baby eagles growing in eggs, yet human abortion, destroying a baby growing in its mother’s womb is acceptable.  To our shame and determent our own unborn children are given less value than these unborn birds.  Even the vilest of people would not destroy an animal the way babies are torn out of their mothers bodies.  Judgment will come.

We should protect and care for the animals and birds that God put in our care, but even more we should be protecting our own children, born and unborn.