Money and Tithing

Money and Tithing

Money and Tithing

Money and Tithing

This blog is part five of a ten-part series on the church.  Today we are going to examine the confusing topic of money and tithing.

  • Have you ever wondered why the church practices tithing or collects money during a service?
  • What is your financial responsibility as a Christian?

Many Christians do not want to talk about money and giving, but it is essential to understand and follow the New Testament command and practice if we wish to prosper individually, and as a church.

Supporting Those That Minister

First of all, according to 1 Corinthians 9: 3-18 those who serve the body have the right to financial support. Those that minister to the saints and are on the front lines sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom, have a right to be supported by the rest of the church.

Common sense tells us as well as did the law of Moses “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.’  If spiritual blessings are sown, the sower can reap material things. Those who serve in the temple, eat food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar receive a part of the offerings. In the same way, the Lord commanded those who proclaim the gospel to receive their living by the gospel.

In doing so, those proclaiming the Gospel can focus on just that, proclaiming the Gospel. They have already given up their personal lives for this work and if to have to divide their efforts, they can do neither to its fullest.


Paul was in a position to pass on this “right” and chose to provide for his own needs for the most part because he could. If those proclaiming the Gospel or serving a local church can provide for their own needs, this is certainly good; if not, those being served should help meet the physical needs of the one sowing and serving. Not all ministers of the Gospel have this opportunity as Paul did.

Church Care

As we saw in Acts 2:42- 47, the church cared for its members. All local members cared for one another, and when they heard of a need elsewhere in the world of like-minded believers in need, they helped meet their needs as well.

Only after all the members of the church are cared for, then can you look outside the local body as to whom you may help, and even then, it should still be in the household of like-minded faith.

When all the needs are met in the global church, then can one invest in those outside of the church. (I am not saying it is wrong or bad to help a local homeless person who crosses your path. Of course, we must, just like the parable Jesus taught about the good Samaritan, but we should not be supporting and investing in other organizations and ministries where people may receive a little physical food, but are starved of the true Bread of Life and the Living Water, or worse yet, fed a poisonous false Gospel.

We are told that those outside the church will be blessed when they see the love we show to one another, not by opening another soup kitchen. We will be known by our love amongst the church, Christians to Christians first.

Money and Tithing in the New Testament

In the New Testament, we are simply told to give generously. There is no law as to how much we should give, it just must be generous. All that we have and own belongs to God and He has blessed us.

Tithing was part of the old covenant law in the Old Testament. Unfortunately, many churches today preach on, require, or guilt people into tithing. If you think you have to tithe, then I hope you are keeping all the rest of the Law because tithing was only a small part of it.  Also, if to research tithing, it isn’t what people have made it to be today. (You can read more on tithing and giving here.)

Cheerful Giving

It says that God loves a cheerful giver and that you should not let your left hand know what your right hand did. When we give, we should give with joy in our hearts and release the gift to God. We also should do it humbly and not make it known to everyone.

Once you give, you are no longer the manager of that money. You release it and God will be the judge as to how it was used. Of course, you should be wise and if you see it mismanaged, then you just don’t give anymore to that person, church, or organization.

A good practice is to listen to God speaking to you in your spirit. Ask Him to show you to whom or for what you should give, and then give generously. It truly is more blessed to give than receive, but if you are on the receiving end, accept it graciously and give praise to God for His provision.

God’s Provision

Jesus told us that if we seek God’s Kingdom first, and His righteousness, then our needs will be met. And if Jesus said it, we can believe it! This requires faith and obedience! It is not easy to do, but it is an amazing experience when you see God’s hand at work and providing for your daily needs.

In part six we will discuss the topic of submissions and how this relates to individuals and the church.