What Happens When I Die?

What Happens When I Die?

What Happens When I Die?

Life After Death

Have you ever thought about what happens when you die, or if there is life after death?  Is there a reward for the righteous, or punishment for the wicked?  Who are the righteous and what makes one wicked?  These are all good and important questions to ponder.

Most professing Christians will tell you that when you die, you, or a part of you, your soul, will go to heaven or hell.  Some believe in the in-between state known as purgatory.  Fortunately, the Bible tells us something very different.  But first we must ask ourselves if we are going to believe what traditions of men teach, or if we are going to believe what Jesus taught, and what the Bible tells us is true?

The Bible is quite clear as to what happens when we die.  We return back to the dust of the ground.  Science even tells us the same thing!  In other words, we are dead in the grave with no thought or consciousness.  If we are not resurrected, we will remain dead.

The Bible teaches us that all people will be resurrected in one of two resurrections.  The first resurrection is for those who are considered righteous, and that is at the time of Jesus’ return to the Earth.  We are told that he will return in the same way that he left, that is, visibly.  When he comes he will come with his angels, and then those who have died in faith will be resurrected and given immortality.  Those who are alive at his coming will be changed in the twinkling of an eye and be made immortal instantly.  This is God’s immortality plan!

Resurrection and immortality are the reward of the righteous.  They will be made immortal and will govern and manage the world with Jesus for 1000 years.  After that, the rest of the dead will be raised to be judged according to what they have done.  Some will be given immortality, and others will be destroyed forever in the lake of fire (Gehenna), what most people typically think of as hell.

This is all quite simple and makes a lot of sense to the minds that God has given us.  You have a life to live, on average let’s say 60 to 80 years.  We live in this present age from our conception and birth into this world, until we die.  Then we rest until we are resurrected either in the first or second resurrection. If God could create Adam out of the dust of the ground, He can certainly put us back together again, people who have already been created.

Jesus is God’s anointed king and ruler for that thousand years (1st Corinthians 15.)  Those of us who have been part of the first resurrection are rewarded, along with Jesus, to rule over the nations on this Earth.  What a fantastic reward for following Christ now!

Jesus will share his authority with the righteous, those who lived in faith during their mortal life. People who never heard, or rejected what they heard, will be raised at the second resurrection and Jesus, the righteous judge, well determine their fate at that time.  I trust that he will judge righteously and make the best judgment.  I do not need to worry about that now, nor do I need to make those decisions or judgments for those people at this time; Jesus will do that in the future.  I must only be concerned with what he told me to do, and that is to share this wonderful kingdom hope and immortality plan with as many people as I can so that they have the opportunity to be a part of the first resurrection.

So in short, death is compared to sleep and it is quite simple, we live, we die and we remain dead until we are resurrected either in the first or second resurrection where we will be granted either immortality in the age to come, or we will be destroyed in the lake of fire and will never live again.  This is a stark contrast to what many churches teach.  God is not some evil ogre wanting to see you suffer forever and burn all of eternity.  It is quite clear that the “wicked” people are destroyed, burned up, and will no longer exist.  Their memory is even forgotten.  Total destruction is enough punishment.

Please join us again as we talk more about this wonderful Kingdom hope that Jesus spent his entire ministry teaching people about and even spoke to his disciples about the forty days after his resurrection before going up into heaven.  If the kingdom message was that important to Jesus, it should be important to us as well!

Scripture to consider:

  • Matthew 24
  • 1 Thessalonians 4-5
  • 1 Corinthians 15
  • Revelation 2:25-29
  • Revelation 5:10
  • Revelation 19-21
Authority of Scripture

Authority of Scripture

Authority of Scripture

Authority of Scripture

The Bible, the Holy Scriptures, are the foundation of our faith.  As good Bible students we must agree to start here whenever we face a controversial subject or worldview questions.  This blog is based on simple Scripture.  As a good Bible student, I am committed to do my best to represent what Jesus and the Apostles spoke.   I believe and preach only what is found in the Holy Scriptures.  I do not follow or teach traditions or teaching of men or some church organization.  Authority is found only in the Holy Scriptures.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 – “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.”

We must be humble and accept the fact that it doesn’t matter what you or I think or how we feel.  The authority of Scriptures is the bottom line.  We must always go back and see what the Bible has to say in regards to any subject.  The words therein have been inspired by God and are to teach, to admonish, and to correct us.   They train us to live a righteous and godly life.

Inspiration of Scripture

Remember, the language we are reading is most likely not the original language that it was written in.  Most Bibles are a translation done by men.  The Bible was inspired, not the translations.  Authority is in the Scriptures, not in translations.

Compare different versions of the Bible to get a better idea as to what the verse means.  Also, going to a site like Bible Hub to see the Greek and Hebrew can help clarify.

Remember, the Bible CANNOT contradict itself!

If the Bible clearly says something 100 or 1000 times, and then says something that could possibly be taken differently 3 times, where it could mean something else on its own, then logically the explanation should go to the majority of clear verses.  Remember, the authority is in the Scriptures, not in the local church or the church “fathers.”

Seek and Ask

God wants us to understand!  He wants us to know Him and His kingdom plan.  He desires that all people be saved.  If that is true, then He must make salvation attainable and Himself able to be found.  If God is real, and His words are true, then He cannot be a “mystery”, nor His reward a fantasy.

1 Timothy 2: 4 “(God) desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 

If we want to understand, all we have to do is just SEEK and ASK! 

James 1:5-6 “if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  But he must ask in faith without any doubting…”

Jesus spoke in parables at times because he wanted people to genuinely seek to understand what he was talking about.  And those who came and asked, he told them plainly.

Jesus also said that he was there to represent his Father and point people to the One True God.

God desires to be found and He doesn’t hide Himself or His truths in the Scriptures.  We must seek Him and His truth with a genuine desire to know Him.  Then, we are guaranteed to find Him.




Welcome to Simple Bible Truth!

I hope to encourage you in your faith and inspire you to seek truth, to love God and to obey Jesus.

My name is Tracy and I don’t have a Master’s of Theology, but God’s holy spirit has taught me as I have sought to know God and understand His words.  From a young age I have taken God up on His offer that if we ask for wisdom, He will grant it to us, and if we seek Him with all of our hearts and minds, we will find Him, the one and only true God.

Jesus chose simple men, and simple women helped in his ministry.  In fact, these women were the first to see and talk to the resurrected and immortal Jesus.  These are the majority of people who listened to, accepted, and obeyed his teachings, not the religious leaders.  They are the ones who chose to follow him, many even unto their own deaths.  They are the ones who began spreading the good news of the coming kingdom of God and the name of Messiah Jesus to the nations.

The Bible is written to instruct and teach us.  It should help us to understand, not confuse us.  God loves all people and desires that they be reconciled to Him.  He desires that all will be raised in the first resurrection and have guaranteed life in the age to come, but He gives us a choice.  He promises to be found if we truly seek Him.  He does not run and hide behind the wisdom of men or their vain teachings.  But since they obscure the truth and hide the identity of the Father, we must seek to understand according to what God says about Himself, and what Jesus teaches about his God and about himself, the anointed one.  Even Jesus taught in parables, not to hide the truth, but to call forth those who really cared and desired to know him and his teachings.  If we sincerely ask and seek, we will find, and we will understand!

This is not a deep theological platform.  There are plenty of those out there.  This is also not for the modern-day Scribes and Pharisees.  This is for the average person who desires to know God, to know His son Jesus, and to know the hope that they promise for all believers, the coming kingdom reign of God over all the earth.  This is for those who simply want to know, to believe and to obey. For those who want to live the best life they can as a Christian, as a follower of Messiah Jesus, and be a good son or daughter of the Most-High God.

I hope you will join me and I hope you will be encouraged and inspired to seek truth, to love God, and to obey Jesus!