Speaking in Tongues

Speaking in Tongues

Speaking in Tongues

The Spiritual Gift of Speaking in Tongues

In 1 Corinthians 12:1 Paul said that he didn’t want people to be unaware of spiritual gifts.  Unfortunately, when most people hear “spiritual gifts,” speaking in tongues is what comes to mind.  Also, “filled with the spirit” is not equivalent to “speaking in tongues.”  In fact, Paul and Jesus were FULL of holy spirit, and neither spoke in tongues at that time; and we have no record of Jesus ever speaking in tongues.  (Acts 9:17-19, Luke 4:1)

I have been asked, “Do you want more of the spirit?”  What Christian would not want more of God’s spirit in their life?  I want everything that God has to give me!  In fact, I have prayed earnestly for not only the gift of tongues if they are available, but for the gift of healing as well.  I am sad to say that I have never healed anyone, raised a dead person, or spoken in tongues.

(Before I go much further, I would like to say that just because I don’t speak in tongues, does not mean that I am a cessationist.)

Unlearned Languages

 So, what are “tongues?”  The word that is translated as “tongues” means languages.  In the context of Scripture, it refers to an “unknown” or “unlearned” tongue/language.

In 1 Corinthians 12 the gift of tongues is ONE of the variety of gifts given.  Paul also says that all gifts come from the same spirit.  There are a variety of ministries and effects, but the same God gives them to all persons.  And, each given manifestation of the spirit is given for the common good (of the church).

Spiritual Gifts are Given to Edify the Church

In 1 Corinthians 14 we are encouraged to pursue love and desire earnestly spiritual gifts.  We are to especially desire the ability to prophesy, so we can edify, teach and comfort the brethren.

Paul tells us that there are many languages in the world and he reminds us that none are without meaning.  If speech isn’t clear, then it has no benefit and is “speaking into the air.”  We are reminded again that we should seek to use the gifts that edify the church.  Those gifts are called “greater gifts.”

Paul exhorts the Corinthians that if they would speak in unlearned languages and not have an interpretation, then their minds are unfruitful.  He said that he would rather speak only a few words that people understood, than thousands in a tongue that nobody understood.

Paul also told us that tongues are for unbelievers, not for edifying the church, unless the message from God was interpreted.

Biblical Tongue Speaking

 Most churches that claim to “speak in tongues,” do not follow biblical rules in exercising them.  Paul emphatically tells the church that all people who have a gift, control that gift.  If, tongues are spoken, only 2-3 people should speak (and not all at once), and if there is no interpreter, they should remain silent.  God is not a God of confusion or disorder, and everything done in the church must be done properly and in an orderly manner.

Paul ends with a rhetorical question, and this question tells us that not all Christians have all the gifts. This is unlike some churches that say all Christians should speak in tongues.   Another false teaching is that all believers have all nine gifts all the time.  (1 Corinthians 12:29-31)

Why is speaking in tongues so enticing?  Why do so many long for this “lesser” gift?

Unfortunately, many people seek the experience.  They like the emotions and feelings.  If we are feeling down and just hum a tune, the heaviness lifts and we feel better.  We all like to have good feelings and uplifting emotions.

There are two groups of tongue speakers.  One group agrees that some abuse the gift of tongues, that is, how they speak in tongues and “experience the spirit.”

The second group is like those who pursued the Toronto Blessing.  Their tongue speaking mimics what is seen in other religions that claim to speak in tongues.  Often, they seem “possessed” by some spirit and do crazy things, like barking, laughing, passing out and running around the room.  These things are not biblical and the spirit that fills them is definitely not from God.

The question then arises, if as Paul says, there is only one spirit behind the gifts.  How can one claim that the second group just “abuses” the gift when how they are acting is clearly not biblical?  Perhaps it is not abuse of God’s spirit, but some other spirit in their lives?

We must diligently test the spirits of everything that we see and hear.

But how can we make the distinction as to what is from God and what is not?  How can we know if it is from God, if it is fake, or if it is demonic?

We must evaluate any teaching we hear or any other gift that is practiced in the name of Jesus.  This can be evaluated by first testing if the person speaking or doing miracles has sound biblical doctrine.  We are also warned and told to test the spirits because many people are deceived by miracles.  Many are misled by emotional experiences, as well.  Even if someone raises a dead person, we must first ask ourselves if that person believes, preaches and practices solid biblical doctrine.

(On a side note, there is a difference in having the gift of healing (which is immediate healing), and someone being healed by God through prayer.)

After evaluating if sound biblical doctrine is behind the gift, then we look at the fruit in the person’s life.  Are they becoming more like Jesus and does their spiritual gift minister to the body of Christ, or is it for personal gain or show?

Speaking in tongues, is it God?

Even if you hear of a spiritual revival going on, you must test the spirit behind it.  If God is pouring His spirit out on someone or some ministry in an extraordinary manner, His truth must certainly be evident in their message.

So, the question should always be, “Is it God?”  The main test is in 1 John 4:1-3.  We are to see if the person acknowledges Jesus coming in the flesh, meaning, do they acknowledge Jesus as the human messiah.  Does the speaker acknowledge Jesus as the son of God, not God the son?

The One God of Israel is not the same god as the “one” triune god.  Both cannot be true, and both cannot be God.  If the spirit and spiritual gifts are given from the One God, they cannot be given by the other god.  And they certainly cannot be said to be by the same spirit.

If YHWH is pouring His spirit out in a trinitarian church and giving them the gift of tongues, don’t you think that He would give them words of truth so that they would know that He alone is God, as He emphatically states throughout Scripture?  That would be a much greater prophetic word than “everything will be OK and Jesus loves you.”  Can you imagine if someone spoke this truth and it was interpreted?!  Maybe they would listen.

Seeking the Supernatural

Unfortunately, many are led astray by the supernatural because they desire greatly to experience something.  If we look at books, movies and games on the market today, we see that people long for the supernatural.

If we claim to be a Christian, we must desire God and His truths more than a supernatural experience or an emotional encounter.  In the end, we will experience the greatest supernatural event of all time, resurrection from the dead to immortality!

Following Jesus in 2020

Following Jesus in 2020

Following Jesus in 2020

Keep in Step with Jesus in 2020

It’s the beginning of a new year and a new decade and so I thought we’d take a little time to talk about being a Christian and following Jesus in 2020.

How will following Jesus in 2020 impact our lives?  How will our lives impact the world?

What would 2020 hold for Jesus if he were still here on the Earth?

If we call ourselves a Christian and we claim to follow Jesus, we should be following his commands and his teaching.  His purpose should be our purpose.  His message should be our message.

Being a Christian is not just a title.  When we choose to follow Christ and be a Christian, it is not simply a statement or a title we now hold.  We are committing our lives totally to our Lord.  Our lives are no longer our own.  There are expectations.  Being a Christian does cost us something.

If one is in the military it doesn’t matter if they are a General or the lowest ranking officer, they still must obey orders and they have pledged their allegiance to the government and to whatever branch they enlisted in.

Bootcamp is not a choice.  Where you serve is not always a choice.  Obeying orders is not a choice.

If you are in the military you must obey the authorities over you.  Equally so, as Christians, we must obey the authority over us, Christ Jesus, God’s chosen and anointed head of the church.

God has been impressing upon me more and more that this life is not mine; a Christian’s life is not their own.  Jesus addressed this fact, but I think we often miss it.

John 12:25-26 He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also; if anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.

These few years that we have to live now have another purpose when we become a Christian.  Non-Christians who will not be in first resurrection, can focus their time, energy, and money on this life because it is all they have.  (Unless you can show them the Kingdom hope and they embrace it!)

If you have made the decision to become a follower of Jesus, you must be willing to lay down your life for the cause of the Messiah and you must do the work he has given you to do until you die, or he returns.

The fields are white and we are called to harvest.  You either give your prayers, your money, or your life of service, to our Lord and master.

These few years are for working!  We must be about our Master’s business.  We have so much more to look forward to in God’s Kingdom age that is coming.  This life can’t even compare to it!

As Christians, we must put less value on this life and take seriously the life in the coming age, and the importance of sharing it with others.  I don’t think that this life can offer anything better than what we have to look forward to in the coming age:  immortality, working alongside Jesus and under his direct command, and living forever in a restored paradise!

What would you do differently if you knew for certain that Jesus would return 7 years from now?

What are you called to do?  Do you ever ask God?

I know God has blessed many Christians.  Time and chance happen to all, and if you are living in a Western country with the comforts and blessings it offers, you have many more opportunities to find enjoyment in this present age.  What does that say about our brethren in third world countries?  It is all about fate and where you were born.

Why should our brothers in Haiti or Malawi be resigned to dirt floors, hunger, suffering from natural disasters, and the like, and we feel that we have a right to make sure we have fun and think we deserve vacations and good things?  People in third world countries work just as hard, but with less comfort and much less return for their efforts.

Regardless of where a person is born, once they choose to follow Christ, they must look at their life differently.  Their life is no longer their life.   These few years now belong to Jesus.  Stewardship of time and money should be viewed differently.

Jesus taught that we would have a lot to answer for when he returns.  As servants that the Master, we are left in charge of his work when he went away for a long time.

We use our blessings or we bury them.

We are enlisting and committing our lives totally to our Lord.  Our lives are no longer our own.  It is a BIG decision and a very serious one if we choose to confess Jesus as our Lord and decide to follow him and his teachings.

All receive a mortal life and 24 hours in a day.  We are responsible for what has been entrusted to us.  If we are given more money, we have a bigger responsibility with that blessing.  If we are given the ability to do certain things, we are responsible to use them for our Lord.

When we become a Christian, we enlist in Kingdom service.  We must take inventory of our lives and see what we have, what are your talents and abilities, what have you been blessed with?

Meditate on this or write them down, then ask God how He wants you to use them for His Kingdom service.

Our lives and our time, contrary to what we think, are not our own.  We are called to put this life on the altar when we choose to follow Jesus.  It is a sacrifice.

Are we willing to give up our dreams and desires for this life and use our lives for His Kingdom work that needs to be done now, prior to Jesus’ return, as Jesus commanded?

I mentioned before, there are different ways to give of ourselves, and this giving may look different as we go through different seasons in our lives.  But, it will always be one of these three.  We can:

  • take part in the going and doing, whether it is missions, evangelism or pastoral care of the flock,
  • give money so that these people can do that work,
  • be prayer warriors praying for the ministry.

Which one or more will you choose?   What is God leading you to do?  What have you been given in order to do any of these?  They are all important, and they all will be rewarded.

Christians must rally their troops together so that we can be a stronger force in this age and so we can do the work that Jesus gave us to do.

Don’t be afraid to pray and ask God what He wants you to do!

We must use our resources, whether it is our time or our money, for service to our Lord and his mission.  Am I saying that you can never go buy ice cream, go to a movie, or go to Disney?  No, but if you can only do one or the other, where is your allegiance?

Have you asked God how he wants you to spend your time and money?

A good practice might be to write down your wants, and then ministry needs that you know of, and then see how they fit together into your life.

And remember, even if we are not doing the work of an evangelist, missionary or pastor, we all have been given the command to share our faith and be prepared and willing to give an answer if we are asked.

So, what does the New Year hold for us?

In Matthew 24 Jesus was talking to his disciples and told them that there would be wars and rumors of wars and famines and hardships and they should not be concerned about this.  It was going to happen and it would get worse before he would take his rightful spot on the throne of David in the age to come.

If we jump ahead a few books in Matthew, with this in mind what Jesus told his disciples, we then read that he gave them the command to go into the world and preach the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the nations and baptize them.

He did not tell them to go dig wells and feed the hungry and clothe the naked.  Although those things are good, they are not the principal mission of the church.

Our mission is not war, famines, and hardships.

Yes, the church should take care of its brothers and sisters that are in need. But that is internal care, not outreach, evangelism, or mission work.

If we look at the early church, yes, they did take care of each other, and we also should.  Unfortunately, the church on a whole seems to try to take care of the needs of those outside of the church before all of the needs of the brethren are met.  We are told that the world will know who and whose we are when they see our love for one another.

This humanitarian aid should be in addition to either doing or giving towards the Great Commission, it shouldn’t replace it.

Are we ready to go into the world and preach the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the nations and baptize them in 2020?


Luke 14:25-33, Matthew 16:24-27, Philippians 3:1-21




Baptism:  A Matter of Obedience

In a previous post we talked about being Kingdom citizens.  God’s kingdom citizenship is no longer granted by birth (Romans 2:28-29).   Every citizen must apply for a “passport”, just like any other country, and you must follow the application process.  Jesus opened the border to all, but there are still requirements.  Baptism is one of those requirements.

Baptism is a simple Bible truth. There is nothing difficult about it. It is an easy matter of obedience if one chooses to follow Messiah Jesus.

The people in Acts 2 heard, understood and believed what was being taught.  They realized that they must do something with this belief because belief requires action.  The answer to their question was to repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38).  We all must repent and turn away from our sins.  Not only sin as most see sin, but also from the sin of disbelief, and wrong belief.  We must turn to the right belief of scripture, and then obey.

What is Baptism

It seems that many people are misinformed about baptism.  It was a simple command of Jesus and it was practiced by the apostles and the early church.  Baptism is not something magical in and of itself to save people.  It is a commandment, and it is a matter of obedience, not just a ritual.  Being obedient is what saves.

Naaman, in the Old Testament, was told to go dip in the water of a particular river in order to be healed.  He was put off that the prophet told him to go to a dirty river and questioned why he didn’t tell him to go to the nice clean river.  Naaman’s wise servant asked him what his problem was.  He encouraged him to just do what the prophet said because it was not anything difficult.  We see in this instance that it was not the dipping in the water, or where or how, that helped.  It was an issue of faith and obedience.  If Naaman wanted healing, he needed to obey.

Biblical Baptism

The Greek word for baptism means to dip or immerse.  When baptism is talked about in the New Testament, they are talking about being dipped or immersed in water.  One place even says there was a lot of water.

Biblical baptism is going under water, not just having water sprinkled on you, unless that is your only option. We see in the New Testament that it symbolizes death to our old self.  As you go under the water it is like dying and being buried.  You are burying your old self.  When you come up out of the water it symbolizes resurrection and being raised to new life.  You are born again and now have the hope of being resurrected from the dead, just as Jesus was.  (John 3:5, Romans 6:1-11, Colossians 2:11-15, 1 Peter 3:21)

Recieving God’s Holy Spirit

We are told that we will receive God’s spirit, which also is a seal upon us, when we obey and are baptized.  What a great promise for such simple obedience!

Philip was led to a Ethiopian eunuch and they discussed the scriptures that he was reading.  We are not told everything they talked about.  But, because we hear the questions of the Ethiopian in regards to baptism, we can deduct that there was discussion about immersion and water.  The Ethiopian’s question was, “Look! Water!  What prevents me from being baptized?”  This reaction obviously tells us that they talked about these things.  They were an important part of their discussion and his conversion process.

In another verse it says that when they believed Philip as he preached the good news of the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus, they were baptized, men and women alike (Acts 8:12).  People must believe the truth about who Jesus is and what he preached.

People must use the brains that God gave them.

We must believe what is written and spoken about Jesus, who he is, which would also include, who he is not.  Belief and acceptance of what Jesus preached and taught, the good news of the coming Kingdom of God, is also essential.  With that knowledge and accepting it to be true, they must act upon it by being baptized.

You cannot baptize somebody outside of their will or if they do not understand the required minimal beliefs.  (Minimal beliefs are knowing who Jesus is and his teachings about the Kingdom of God.)  Churches that teach infant baptism do not practice biblical baptism.  An infant or young child cannot understand or accept the good news of the preaching and teaching of Jesus about the Kingdom of God, and know who Jesus is.  The Bible does not say to sprinkle babies with water and then “confirm” them later in the church’s faith.  You must consciously accept the teaching after understanding it.  Then you make a commitment through water baptism by immersion.

Baptism is a sort of initiation rite or signing a declaration, applying for your passport per say, in order to be a Kingdom citizen.  You must do it according to your own convictions, not that of your parents or what your church or denomination promotes and practices.

Jesus Obeyed

Baptism was not only commanded, but in Scripture we are told to look at Jesus as our example, and he was baptized.  If Jesus humbled himself to be baptized, how much more ought we follow in his steps?

Baptism is also commanded in regards to what we ought to be doing before Jesus returns to set up the Kingdom.  “Go preach and teach the kingdom of God and baptize…”  We should be going to people who do not understand Jesus’ teaching about the Kingdom of God, or who he is.  They too must have the opportunity to hear, believe, repent, and be baptized.

God knows people’s hearts and He knows if they genuinely believe and repent.  If they get baptized for the wrong reasons or they really don’t believe, it is not some magical thing that will automatically give them an entrance ticket into the Kingdom.  Phony passports won’t let people into any country.  Insincere baptism will not save anyone.

Spirit Baptism?

We receive God’s spirit when we obey and are baptized (Acts 2:38), but this is not the same as manifesting His spirit in one way or another.  People should not confuse this command to be baptized in water with a manifestation of God’s spirit, like speaking in tongues.  Unlearned tongues was manifested at Pentecost, and a few other times, but it didn’t replace water baptism.

Yes, we see that God’s spirit was given to some Gentiles before they were baptized, but that was the exception, not the rule.  We can only be guaranteed that we will receive His spirit when we submit and are baptized, as it is written (Acts 2:38).

Jews needed to see that the Gentiles also received God’s spirit and were part of this new covenant, therefore they spoke in tongues just like some of the Jews did at Pentecost.  There was a purpose for this; the Jews needed to see that God truly was opening the door for the Gentiles.  They saw that Gentiles received God’s spirit just as they had.

Still Immersed in Water

Even after Peter saw they had received God’s spirit and manifested it by speaking in tongues, he still instructed them to go be immersed in water.  Peter clearly did not accept speaking in foreign tongues as a “new” baptism.  (Acts 10:41-48).

Surely no one can refuse the water for these to be baptized who have received the holy spirit just as we did, can he?”  And he ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

Nowhere in scripture does it say that a manifestation of God’s spirit in speaking in an unknown language, replaces water baptism.  Nothing replaced the command or the practice of water baptism.

If God cannot trust you to obey Him in these simple matters now, before Jesus sets up His Kingdom, then how can He trust you, or entrust you, to govern the nations and manage other people?


When discussing baptism, often the topic of re-baptism comes up.  Some people wonder if they should be re-baptized. if they were “baptized” as an infant.  It seems, according to scripture, that they were never baptized.  So yes, according to Scripture, they should be baptized.

Others say that they were baptized as an adult knowing that they were committing their life to Jesus, and were even immersed in water.  Those people I think need to make their own choice.  Personally, I would be re-baptized if I had been baptized by somebody who did not believe the truth.  I would also get re-baptized if I was baptized when I did not understand the truth about Jesus.  It is essential to understand that Jesus was a unique man – the human messiah, not sovereign God or part of God. 

I would also get re-baptized if I did not understand Jesus’ teachings about the coming kingdom.  I hold this opinion because of the verse that says that when they believed the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus, then they were baptized.  If you did not understand those things and you thought that you were going to heaven, or you thought Jesus was in some way God, you obviously did not understand these two essential Christian beliefs.  Therefore, I would be re-baptized.  

Again, baptism is not legalistic as some will claim.  It is a matter of obedience.  The question is, will you obey God and will you obey what Jesus said and what he taught?

Simple Bible Teaching

Those simple Bible teachings are what we must understand before we can say that we are a Christian, a person following Christ.  If we do not follow what Jesus taught, we are not following him.

Baptism is not some hard thing that we are told to do; but if we desire to follow Christ, then we should do what we are told.  If we want to reap the results that come with being a child of God and be filled with His spirit like Jesus was (Luke 4:1), then we must obey.

We should be on guard and not accept teaching that tries to do away with water baptism.  Again, nowhere in scripture does it tell us that “baptism in the spirit” replaced water baptism.  We also must remember that having “more of God’s spirit” or being filled with his spirit does not equate to speaking in some unknown tongue.  Speaking in tongues is only one of the manifestations of God’s spirit.

Filled with God’s Spirit

If you truly want to see if someone is spirit filled, go to Ephesians and look and see if they are filled with His spirit and producing fruit.  Look for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and see if they have self-control.  If this fruit is lacking, then I would question if His spirit is in their life; even if they speak in an unknown tongue or have any other spiritual gift.

After Jesus was baptized, he was full of God’s spirit and went to the wilderness.  It mentions nothing about him speaking in tongues (Luke 4:1).  (We will talk more about spiritual gifts in a future blog.)

The main take away about baptism is that it is a matter of obedience and is required as far as it is possible.  Obviously if you are in a desert and have no water, God would see your heart, just as Jesus did the thief on the cross next to him.  These are exceptions to the rule and even show that it is not the act of baptism itself that saves, but one’s faith that leads them to baptism and being willing to obey and get in the water, even if it is a dirty river.

Kingdom Citizenship

Kingdom Citizenship

Kingdom Citizenship

There is No Dual Citizenship in the Kingdom of God

When I lived in Russia I had residency, but if I had wanted to gain Russian citizenship, I would have had to give up my American citizenship.  Russia will not allow dual citizenship, as with many other countries.  You must choose your country and to whom you will give your allegiance.  Kingdom citizenship is no different.

There are many nations in the world today. Some governments are better than others, but overall, none govern righteously, nor do they put the needs of the average person first.

One Nation Under God

Today’s governments are vastly different than God’s will be.  God’s kingdom will truly be one nation under God!  (Isaiah 32:1)  God’s government will be set up by His anointed representative, Jesus.  This kingdom will not only be spiritual, as many think when they hear, “the kingdom of God,” but it will be political, as well.  God’s anointed Messiah will rule from Jerusalem and the knowledge of the One True God will cover the earth (Isaiah 11:9).  How amazing it will be!  And the saints will help Jesus manage the nations!

If we want to be a citizen of this kingdom we must be willing to give up any allegiance we may have to someone or something else.  There is no dual citizenship in God’s kingdom.  You will love one and hate the other (Matthew 6:24) .  You will have to choose to serve one over the other.

Resident Aliens

Obviously, even though we are resident aliens in the land that we live now, we have responsibilities.  We must follow the laws of the land, as long as they do not go against God’s laws.  God has not set speed limit laws, but every country has its own laws on how fast you can drive on their roads; therefore we must try to obey them.  We also have been commanded to sacrifice during this life, our desires, and even our very life if need be.  Jesus said the road is hard and the gate narrow, and few find their way in.  We are kingdom citizens in training and we must work now for the sake of this future nation if we desire to be a part of it.

God, through his anointed king, Messiah Jesus, will one day take back this world.  God is allowing another king to rule over this present evil age, Satan; but planet Earth will one day have one Sovereign God, the Father, and His Son and Messiah, Jesus, ruling in righteousness (1 Corinthians 15:20-28).

Where is your allegiance?

When you have to make a decision, who do you choose to serve – your own appetites, your country, or your God?  To whom do you pledge allegiance with your words and your life (Joshua 24:15)?  We cannot have two masters and there is no dual citizenship in the Kingdom of God.

There is only one election that really matters and takes place once in your life.  Will you choose Jesus as your president?  Will his governing laws rule your life today?  Who will you serve and to whom will you give your allegiance?

Serving God may be hard, but it is a labor of love.  There is joy in serving and even in sacrificing when done with a pure heart.  The hope and “retirement” compensation cannot be beat (Revelation 21:1-5)!

Choose wisely and choose life in the age to come!

Later we will talk about how to get a passport and be a citizen in this Kingdom. That too is quite simple if you are willing to humble yourself, walk in God’s ways, and obey.




Jesus, created by a Miracle of God, or Incarnation?

Christmas should be a reminder of Jesus’ humanity, and not some incarnation of God becoming man.  Jesus was miraculously conceived in his mother, just like Adam was miraculously made from dirt.  Both Adam and Jesus were called “sons of God,” and both were unique human beings miraculously created by God. (Luke 1:32; Luke 3:38)

Most of professing Christianity sounds ludicrous!  God did not become a baby, nor did Mary change God’s diapers; in fact, they didn’t even have diapers back then!  How can people believe that God, or a part of God, actually grew in Mary for nine months?  That sounds more like a Greek myth rather than a teaching from the Bible.  Seek God’s simple Bible truth.  It really is quite simple.

If to Celebrate Christmas, it Should Celebrate Jesus’ Humanity

In Luke 1:31-33 it says that an angel told Mary, “you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, (MIRACLE) and you shall name Him Jesus. (Mary would conceive a child in her womb, not have a child put into her womb.)  He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most-High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David.”

Jesus was human and he had human ancestors through his mother Mary.  Romans 1:3 says that (Jesus was a) son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh.

Mary asked the angel in verse 34, “How can this be, since I am a virgin? (It could be ONLY because it was a MIRACLE!)  Again, we see that Jesus’ conception was a miracle.  

Luke 41-45 say that Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.  And she cried out with a loud voice (in her own language, not in some unknown tongue) and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!  And how has it happened to me, that the mother of my Lord would come to me?  For behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped in my womb for joy.  And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.”

As Elizabeth stated, Mary was blessed because she chose to believe what the angel said.  Mary believed that God could and would do a miracle, even though it was physically impossible under her circumstances.

Giving Birth to Sons

Then in Luke 1:57, it tells us that the time had come for Elizabeth to give birth, and she gave birth to a son.

Luke 2:6-7 says in the same way, that while they were there, the days were completed for her (Mary) to give birth.  And she gave birth to her firstborn son.  Jesus’ birth was no different than the birth of John’s.   Both ladies gave birth to baby boys.

Elizabeth and Mary both gave birth to babies that were miraculously conceived, Mary’s conception was just a bit more miraculous.  They both had babies growing in their uteruses for nine months and then when the babies were done growing inside and it was time for them to come out, the mothers gave birth to human sons.

Baby Jesus

Jesus was a real baby, and I am sure he did baby things and acted like babies act.  Luke 2:40 & 52 tells us that, “Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”  Jesus gained wisdom and knowledge as he grew.  He did not have it magically put into his brain.  He spent time in the Scriptures and talked about them with the rabbis (Luke 2:46-47).  God gave him wisdom and understanding as he faithfully did these things.

“Christmas” Miracle

So, why is this miracle not the center point of celebrating the birth of Jesus, that is if someone desires to celebrate that he was born?  Why do many Christians celebrate his birth, but not the miracle of his conception and the unique human being that God created in Mary, even when they know this fact? 

Most of the world celebrates Christmas and proclaims the birth of Jesus (and if you dig a little deeper you would see that it is not his birth, but the incarnation of God becoming a man that is really celebrated.)

People put up decorations in their homes and yard, stores and churches make elaborate decorations announcing the holiday.  Christmas is all over the television; and radio stations play Christmas music non-stop.  This goes on every year for a month or more. 

Christmas:  Tradition or Biblical?

Unfortunately, Christmas was never commanded, or even suggested in Scripture.  Jesus did not tell his disciples to commemorate his birth.  If Christians were so diligent in doing what he did command for a month out of every year, the nations would have heard the message of the kingdom long ago!

Can you imagine if Christians, for a month straight every year, advertised and promoted the miraculous conception and birth of a human messiah and the coming kingdom of God that he preached and promoted throughout his whole ministry, and even the forty days after his resurrection?! 

Even the angel focused on these things when he announced to Mary what her son would do.

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” (Luke 1:32-33).

Please consider these things prayerfully.  Do research.  Seek truth.  Love God, and obey Jesus and follow his example and commands.  If you believe in the human messiah Jesus, shine the true Light at this time as many people celebrate. They are already talking about Jesus.  Use this opportunity to share the human baby that grew into a man, that was anointed by God, and that will be coming again in the clouds and with great glory to inaugurate God’s kingdom rule over all the Earth.

Eternal Life

Eternal Life

Eternal Life

Life of the Age to Come

Have you thought much about eternal life?  People over the centuries keep trying to figure out how to live forever, or at least a lot longer.  They look for the fountain of youth.  They spend thousands of dollars to just make themselves look younger, even though with each passing day they are one step closer to death.

Why would anyone even want to live forever in a fallen world, in a world with pain, sorrow and suffering?  If you have a good life now that you live comfortably, maybe you could see living longer as a blessing, but what about people in war-torn countries or third-world countries?  So, do you think that there could be something better to look forward to, for all people?

The Bible promises a future with no more sorrow, pain or death.  It is a promise for a truly brighter tomorrow.  It unites the physical and spiritual together on a renewed Earth, not some fanciful existence disembodied somewhere out in the Universe or playing a harp on a pink cloud.

Often, we read the verses about the Earth being destroyed and don’t understand the true meaning of there being a new heaven and a new Earth.  If we read the rest of the Bible in context, we will see that the meaning really is that of a REnewed heaven and Earth, not utter destruction of what exists today.  The Bible also says that the world was destroyed at the time of Noah during the flood, but we know that the Earth did not cease to exist, it was just cleansed to its very core.

Unfortunately, the English translation, “eternal life”, makes this promise and reward a bit vague. If to translate it in from the Greek, it actually means life in the age to come. We must understand that there are different ages. In the beginning God-created the heavens and the Earth and that was the first age that we know, from creation until the time of Noah, when everything was destroyed.  So when you read the words “eternal life,” substitute “life in the age to come”.  It will make much better sense.

Then there was a new age after Noah, which we are living in at this present time.  At some point, when Jesus returns, this age will end, then we will enter into the millennial age which will be a period of 1000 years. After this there will be what is known of as the White Throne Judgment, when all evil will be destroyed, even death itself.  Then we will enter into the final age that will last forever.

Our finite minds cannot totally grasp or understand eternity, but the Bible tells us that God has put eternity into the hearts of men, which is why so many keep searching for something more in this present life.  If we look at the world today, people are looking how to live longer or be assured of some better life after they die.  Most religions promise some sort of afterlife because that’s what people are looking for.  But unlike most of those false teachings and false hopes that lead people astray and farther from God, the Father offers something very real, tangible, and understandable to our minds.  It is not something that we cannot grasp at the basic level. You do not need to believe in some fantasy as your hope, or have a PHD in order to understand God’s plan and how life works.  You die, and then you are resurrected, either to immortality or  destroyed forever.  It’s that simple!

Why do many religions or churches make this so difficult?  We can see throughout history that many of the false teachings were merely to control people.  Often a church or religion controlled people by making them think they would not “go to heaven” or they would be disfellowshipped if they didn’t follow what the religious leaders said.   They also used this faith control to collect money from people.  Churches would require money from people to help their deceased relatives go to heaven or get a better reward.  Also, there are some Christian denominations, that hold out a reward, but make it so difficult to attain that they control people their whole life as they try to attain this reward, or not lose it.

The New Testament teaching is quite simple, if you choose to be a citizen of the kingdom Jesus spoke about.  You follow his teachings today, and walk in that righteousness and in obedience to what he taught, today, then you are promised resurrection to immortality and all the other wonderful things spoken of.

What will life in the age to come look like?  The beginning of that age to come, the first 1000 years after Jesus has returned and triumphed over the false prophets and Anti-Christ, and put Satan in a prison for that time, will be a time of teaching the nations about the one true God and governing the nation’s righteously with love.  We will be helping Jesus manage the nations and teaching them about the one true God.

After the second resurrection and the destruction of Satan and the wicked, that age will continue into eternity.  The Bible tells us that there will be a restored (new) heavens and Earth where the righteous will live forever with Jesus and his Father, and ours.

Revelation tells us that there will be a new Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven.  Where God and Jesus will have residents of some sort.  We only have a limited understanding of the complex city of God, the father’s presence and what things will be like.  It does say that God will be with us and He and Jesus will be among us.  Just as Adam-and-Eve walked with God in the garden and communed with him, it sounds like we also will.  Yet, the Bible also tells us that we cannot even begin to imagine how wonderful this eternal Kingdom life will be. .If we look around us at the beautiful and different creation, nature and all of the wonderful things that God-created, we can only begin to imagine how beautiful and wonderful it will be. There is not much said about this life in the age to come, other than it will be better than anything that we can imagine.  We are told that there will be no more death, dying, tears, pain, and all that will have passed away.  We must accept that this is enough knowledge for now.  Personally, I think that this is enough for us to know in order to trust God that it will be well worth living and sacrificing this life now for!

Later we will talk about how to get let’s say a passport and be a citizen in this Kingdom. That too is quite simple.

Scripture to consider: