
Movie Reels

March 17, 2020

What Does the Bible Say about Entertainment

Christian Entertainment

What does the Bible have to say about entertainment for the Christian?  Does the Bible tell us what we can watch, read, play, and listen to?

The Bible does not specifically say which music, books, and movies you can listen to, read, or watch.  The Bible doesn’t list games by name as to what you can play; but it does give an outline and a guide.

Biblical Guide to Entertainment

If we use our minds as God intends, we will see that The Bible has a lot to say about what kind of entertainment a Christian can participate in and how they should invest their time. 

We may not be told what game we can play or movie we can watch, but the Bible specifically tells us what the games and movies should or shouldn’t be like.

“Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.  The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.”  (Philippians 4.8-9)

The Bible tells us to think on things that are pure and holy right and true. So, if we are watching a movie or listening to music, or playing a game, we must ask ourselves, is this movie, music book or game pure, holy, right, and true?

Would Jesus?

Another good question to ask ourselves is, would Jesus listen to this music, or read this book, or watched this movie, or play this game?  If he would not, why would we?!

A wise brother once said in regards to entertainment, ask yourself if we will be doing this in the Kingdom?  

Another question that is good to ask ourselves is, does this bring honor and glory to God?  If it does not, why would we even want to read, watch, listen, or play?

If we are truly followers of Christ, we must honestly answer these questions.

Entertainment on the Altar

We can rationalize all we want, but it does not change what God tells us to invest our time and energy in, and what we should and shouldn’t put in our minds through our eyes, ears, mouth, and hands.

Each Christian must ask, what am I willing to give up and sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom and for obedience to God?

Am I willing to turn the radio station or the TV station, or just turn it off altogether?

Am I willing to give up playing and doing things that I enjoy if they do not fit the standard by which God and Jesus laid out for us?

The bottom line is, am I willing to put my entertainment on the altar?

The Simple Choice

Choosing entertainment should be very simple. But even though it is simple, it is often very difficult to do. 

We must make the decision if we are truly going to follow Jesus, or if we are going to follow our own desires and the “fun” the world has to offer.  With the right decision we are free from the bondage that sin induces, and, we then able to experience the true joy of the Lord and His peace.

I encourage you not to exchange the Father’s peace for the fleeting joy of the world’s entertainment.  God’s Kingdom will be much more than just temporary fun and games.  It will be everlasting joy that we cannot even begin to imagine!

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