
Eddie (from Trujillo) is helping Edwin’s father-in-law and César as an evangelist in Chulucanas.
Edwin’s father-in-law has sown the word of the Kingdom in Tumbes and Las Lomas, Piura District, with success; there are many interested persons there.
[In this map you can see Chulucanas off to the right, Piura City in middle, and Paita to the left on the coast. Carey, Jenny and Alane were in Chulucanas and Paita the summer of 2017, and the 3rd annual Conference was held in Paita. The red arrow indicates the location of Las Lomas and you can see Tumbes in that area also. This is northern Peru.]Edwin and his wife Aleida are teaching Bible exegesis to a small group in the center of Trujillo (a few miles from their home). Also, Miguel Flores has gained two disciples and a man named Jonathan Cruz has recently joined us.