Finish the Task!
2023 Kingdom of God Ministry & Missions
6th Annual Missions Conference
session links below

When we think of missions, we must remember Jesus’ mission, Luke 4:43. He was sent on a mission to tell people about God’s coming Kingdom that will one day conquer every present kingdom.
God will have His King on the throne and His resurrected and immortal people governing alongside His chosen Messiah.
What greater hope do we have than to take this message to our families, neighbors, and the nations?
Watch inspiring presentations you can share with your family, church, or overseas!
The future Kingdom message was Jesus’ mission, and it should also be ours!
I’m only 65 and Marlene is way more youthful than I am, so there is still hope that we can get back there and do stuff. (And they were able to return in July 2023)
Get yourself ready!
I do not consider my life worth anything to myself, so that I may finish my task and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the good news of God’s (Kingdom) grace.
(Acts 20:24-25)
Look up and see that the fields are already white for harvest!
(John 4:35)
Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest-ready fields.”
(Matthew 9:37-38)
Connect with Fellow TruthSeekers
Our 2023 Presenters

Tracy Z (HOST)
Thursday 7:00 PM EST
Opening of Conference

Sir Anthony Buzzard
Thursday 7:15 PM EST
“Finishing the Task Strong & Without Compromise“

Clare McNaul
Thursday 8:15 PM EST
Missions to those ensnared in the New Age & Occult…in the Church
“Love, Light and Lies: Discerning New Age Practices in the Christian Church”

Pastor Dan Gill
Friday 6:15 PM EST
Missions to Calvinists

Shelley Ward
Friday 7:15 PM EST
Testimony & Missions to JW’s (PIMOs)

Dr. Joe Martin
Friday 8:15 PM EST
Missions in Africa

Special Guest
Saturday 9:00 AM EST
Welcome & Special Guest
“My story of faith. I was infinitely glad to see my Christian international family! It was very joyful to see your love and support through a computer screen from far away, and although we were separated by vast distances of oceans and continents, our Great One God united us, it was one of the best days in my life. Thank you very much!”

David Dav
Saturday 10:00 AM EST
(Andhra Pradesh)
Missions in India

Carla Baixeras
Saturday 11 AM EST
Missions to Mothers of the Unborn (Abortion)

Saturday 1 PM EST
PANEL: Missions to our Evangelical & Catholic Friends
Robin Todd
Carlos Xavier
Tracy Z

Robin Todd
Saturday 3:30 PM EST
Scattered Brethren

Ken LaPrade
Saturday 3 PM EST
Missions to Ex-Way

Maryam & Haroon
Saturday 4 PM EST
“Missions to Trinitarians, Catholics & Muslims“

Saturday 7 PM EST
Stories of Jehovah’s Witnesses Exiting

Carlos Xavier
Saturday 8 PM EST
“The Millennial Reign: 1st stage of the Kingdom“

Tracy Z (HOST)
Saturday 9 PM EST
“Finish the Task”

All Times are EST (New York Time)
Thursday – 9th
Session 1
7:00 pm – Opening (Tracy Z – Minnesota)
7:15 pm – Anthony Buzzard (Georgia) – Finishing the Task Strong & Without Compromise
8:15 pm – Clare McNaul (Canada) – “Love, Light and Lies: Discerning New Age Practices in the Christian Church”
Friday – 10th
Session 2
6 pm -Opening
6:15 pm – Dan Gill (Tennessee)
7:15 pm – Shelley Ward (Canada)
8:15 pm – Joe Martin (Arizona)
Saturday – 11th
Session 3
8:45 am opening
9 am – Welcome (Special Guest Appearance)
10 am – David Dav (India)
11 am – Carla Baixeras (Florida)
Session 4
1 PM – Opening
1:15 pm – PANEL: Missions to our Evangelical & Catholic Friends
2 pm – PANEL & Scattered Brethren (Robin Todd)
3 pm – Ken LaPrade (Texas)
4 pm – Haroon & Maryam (Pakistan/England)
Session 5
6:30 – Opening
7 pm – Diana (Netherlands)
8 pm – Carlos Xavier (Georgia)
9-9:30 Closing with Tracy Z