God’s Kingdom: Hope for the Nations
2022 Kingdom of God Ministry & Missions
5th Annual Missions Conference
Presentation REPLAYS Below Under Speaker’s Pictures
It was such a blessing to be able to participate in such a fruitful conference setting. So many great insights were shared by folks with hearts inspired by God’s spirit!

When we think of missions, we must remember Jesus’ mission, Luke 4:43. He was sent on a mission to tell people about God’s coming Kingdom that will one day conquer every present kingdom.
God will have His King on the throne and His resurrected and immortal people governing alongside His chosen Messiah.
What greater hope do we have than to take this message to our families, neighbors, and the nations?
Watch inspiring presentations that you can share with your family, your church, or overseas!
The future Kingdom message was Jesus’ mission, and it should be ours as well!
Thank you for all your work on the conference. I was able to attend live the whole weekend! Great presenter talks!
Thanks to you for the splendid conference. What a labor of love! Very many thanks for your wonderful work.
I’m only 65 and Marlene is way more youthful than I am, so there is still hope that we can get back there and do stuff.
Get yourself ready!
Jesus said to them, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns too, for that is what I was sent to do.”
(Luke 4:43)
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Our 2022 Presenters
Presentation Replay Links Below Speakers

Tracy Z (HOST)
Thursday 7:00 PM EST
Opening of Conference

Ken LaPrade
Thursday 7:15 PM EST
Former Way International
“Acts – A Gold Mine of Kingdom Treasure”
Thursday 8:15 PM EST
Former Oneness
“Winning a Post-Modern Generation“
Thanks, Tracy for the hard work and for sharing this on YouTube. I enjoyed Ken’s sermon and the excellent use of scripture to back his arguments. Dan’s presentation touched my heart, especially when he reasoned that we must be confident as we have the best message! May God continue to bless all our efforts.

Edwin Mauricio
Friday 6 PM EST
“Testimony & Kingdom Preaching in Peru”

Sir Anthony Buzzard
Friday 7 PM EST
Former Armstrong World Wide Church of God
“Where Adam Failed, Jesus and You will Succeed“

Wendy Johnston
Friday 8:00 PM EST
“A Sunday School Teacher’s Gospel of the Kingdom”

Wendy, I found your message very moving and inspiring. You chained together Scriptures so logically and brought the Scripture message to life.
Saturday 9:00 AM EST
Welcome & Special Guest
“My story of faith. I was infinitely glad to see my Christian international family! It was very joyful to see your love and support through a computer screen from far away, and although we were separated by vast distances of oceans and continents, our Great One God united us, it was one of the best days in my life. Thank you very much!”
Saturday 10 AM EST
Former Catholics, (Pakistan)
Save the Faith Biblical Unitarian Ministry


Jennie Wyeth
Saturday 1 PM EST
“Working in the Master’s Business”

Alane Rozelle
Saturday 2 PM EST
Former Missionary
“Ministry & Missions: A Christian’s Response to Post-Modernism”

Robin Todd
Saturday 3 PM EST
Former Armstrong World Wide Church of God
“The Creator’s Gospel”

David & Marlene Nunn
Saturday 4 PM EST
Former Pentecostal
(New Zealand)
“Hope for the Pacific Islands“
David & Marlene, I

Suzi Beasley
Saturday 6 PM EST
Former Hebrew Roots
“Lost in the Midst of Moses”

Tracy Z (HOST)
Saturday 9 PM EST
“God’s Kingdom: Hope for the Nations”
Thank you for being you and for your leadership. Your ending speech was awesome!!! Love the video!
All Times are EST (New York Time)
7:00 pm – Opening (Tracy Z – Minnesota)
7:15 – Ken LaPrade (Texas)
8:15 pm – Dan Gill (Tennessee)
6 pm – Edwin Mauricio (Peru)
7 pm – Anthony Buzzard (Georgia)
8 pm – Wendy Johnston (Arkansas)
Session 1
9 am – Welcome (Possible Special Guest Appearance)
10 am – Maryam & Haroon (Pakistan)
11 am – Laureen (Lori Jane – Florida)
Session 2
1 pm – Jennie Wythe (Australia)
2 pm – Alane Rozelle (Michigan)
3 pm – Robin Todd (Washington)
4 pm -David & Marlene Nunn (New Zealand)
Session 3
6 pm – Suzi Beasley (Oklahoma)
7 pm – Joe & Rebekah Martin (Arizona)
8 pm – Carlos Xavier (Georgia)
9-9:30 Closing