The Occult in the Church
New Age Infiltration: Sorcery and the Occult in the Church
Exposing the Deception
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. (Ephesian 5:11)
(The person who left the occult in these videos unfortunately does not stand behind Ephesians 5:11 (“expose them”) anymore.)
Intro (16:53)
Any notion that Halloween is a Christian celebration or an event that Christians should feel free to partake of, is a dangerous and diabolical lie straight out of the mouth of Satan.
Christian parents who are allowing their children to participate in this “harmless” night of “fun” would, I pray, benefit from hearing some straight talk about what Halloween is really all about and what it is doing to your children.
GOD SAID, “There must never be found among you anyone who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, anyone who practices divination, an omen reader, a soothsayer, a sorcerer, one who casts spells, one who conjures up spirits, a practitioner of the occult, or a necromancer. Whoever does these things is detestable to the Lord.”
Deuteronomy 18:10-12
Real or “Pretend,” Does it Matter?
New Age Infiltration: Sorcery and the Occult in the Church (First video in a series) “Sorcery, the Occult: Is it Real?”
The New Age is the umbrella term for practices that include the psychic communication, intuition, channeling, mediumship, tarot, witchcraft, energy healing, astrology, yoga, meditation, reiki, pagan practices, angel readings, and all things occult.
We will take a look at what these are and what they do:
• Divination / Psychic
• Omen Reader /
• Soothsayer
• Sorcery / Casting spells / Witchcraft / Magician /
• Conjuring spirits / Necromancer / Familiar spirits / Mediums
New Age Infiltration: Sorcery and the Occult in the Church (Second video in a series) “Fun & Games, Harmless. Really?”
- Dungeons and Dragons: Spell books, Magic Cards, Treasure Cards – Just games?
• Harry Potter
• Ouija board – Legit? Or just a game?
• Tarot Card / Playing cards
• Angel Cards
• Crystals
• Halloween – haunted houses
• Yoga / Reiki
• Creative visualization / Guided Meditations / Love and Light
• Hypnotism
“The Dangers of Sorcery” – New Age Infiltration: Sorcery and the Occult in the Church (Third video in a series) “The Dangers of Sorcery”
• Astrology
• Pharmacy
• Progressive Christians = New Age Practitioners!
• Black versus White? Is there good in any of this? Are some parts of it safer than other parts?
• Deep involvement versus “just dabbling and having fun”
• Demon
• Exorcism? Deliverance from devils? Cast out demons?
New Age Infiltration: Sorcery and the Occult in the Church (Last video in the series) “Closing the Doors”
How to help close doors that have been opened in your life and in the lives of others.
Christians must take an active role in keeping the New Age out of their lives and out of their churches.
Light and dark cannot occupy the same space. We either follow Christ or we don’t and we are either faithful or committing adultery. If we don’t see the deception today, how will we in the end?
“Love, Light and Lies: Discerning New Age Practices in the Christian Church”
Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow (PDF)
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow:
The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism”
By: Constance Cumbey
Though many in the New Age will soundly reject its words it is a must read to help cut through the Satanic deception of the New Age.