Mexico 2019 Mission Trip
June 20-23, 2019

We are excited to have the opportunity to work with Ken LaPrade and his fellowship in El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico!
Ken and Carmen LaPrade live in El Paso, Texas, and minister to a small group of ex-Way biblical unitarian believers. Additionally, they teach another small group across the Mexican border in Ciudad Juarez and a family further south in Chihuahua City. Ken has attended a few of the Theological Conferences in Atlanta. He states that they sometimes feel very isolated and would welcome a visit from like-minded believers.
The main purpose of this trip is to build relationships and encourage these isolated brethren. We hope to lay the foundation for further, deeper outreach in the future.
Friday 14, day–discussions/ preparations. We will be able to stay with families so this can be a time of getting to know one another.
Friday evening–6-8 p.m.: Women’s Fellowship on Mexico (Cd Juárez) side. Ken’s wife, Luz del Carmen, has already begun a teaching series there.
Saturday, 15— General Meeting. We will be following an “established” schedule for meetings in El Paso. We will hold 3 sessions broken up by a mid-afternoon potluck lunch.
Noon – 1:00 Session 1–including some music!
1:00 – 2:00 Session 2
2:00 – 3:00 Potluck Lunch
3:00 – 4:00 Session 3
Sunday, 16: Repeat in Ciudad Juárez. Takes awhile to get across border. (More on this below.)
11:30 – 12:30 a.m.–Session 1 Topics same / similar to stated above.
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. — Session 2 Including some music!
2:00 Lunch with brethren
Team: Alane Rozelle (bilingual),Grand Rapids, MI; Felipe (bilingual) and Jenny (semi-bilingual) Rodriguez, Oregon, IL; Jenny and Carey Clark (both bilingual), White House, TN (near Nashville).