Choose Life
Abortion is not about choice. It’s about escaping the consequences of that choice — by taking all choice away from another human being. Or as Randy Alcorn puts it: it’s not about choice — it’s about what that choice is. Just imagine a healthy about-to-be-born-9 mo. old baby, at risk of losing his or her life because its mother and its doctor and its Governor believe it is absolutely permissible to take that child’s life. Can there be any more selfish, cruel or barbaric
action? Why does a toddler have more of a right to life than a pre-born baby? (Barbara Buzzard)
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Stories of Life
Pro-Life Replies

When pregnant, the cells of the baby migrate into the mothers bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it’s called “fetal-maternal microchimerism”.
For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and merge backwards and forwards, and after the baby is born, many of these cells stay in the mother’s body, leaving a permanent imprint in the mother’s tissues, bones, brain, and skin, and often stay there for decades. Every single child a mother has afterwards will leave a similar imprint on her body, too.
Even if a pregnancy doesn’t go to full term or if you have an abortion, these cells still migrate into your bloodstream.
Research has shown that if a mother’s heart is injured, fetal cells will rush to the site of the injury and change into different types of cells that specialize in mending the heart.
The baby helps repair the mother, while the mother builds the baby. How cool is that? This is often why certain illnesses vanish while pregnant.
It’s incredible how mother’s bodies protect the baby at all costs, and the baby protects & rebuilds the mother back – so that the baby can develop safely and survive.
Think about crazy cravings for a moment. What was the mother deficient in that the baby made them crave?
Studies have also shown cells from a fetus in a mothers brain 18 years after she gave birth. How amazing is that?”
Birds vs. Babies
We must choose life over killing innocent children, no matter their age. Babies lives matter just as much in the womb as they do at age 2 or age 10.
It baffles me that baby eagles in an egg are more protected than a human infant in its mother’s womb.
How is it logical that a potential bird’s life is more valuable than that of a human being? It would seem that they should both be protected from harm from those outside their shelter.
Did you know that Bald Eagles are no longer an endangered species, but are still protected by multiple federal laws?
“Under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act the first criminal offense is a misdemeanor with maximum penalty of one year in prison and $100,000 fine for an individual ($200,000 for an organization). The second offense becomes a felony with maximum penalty of 2 years in prison and $250,000 fine for individual ($500,000 for an “organization” such as a business). The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act also provides for maximum civil penalties of $5,000 for each violation.” ( (This link no longer exists.)
What a stark contrast! It is a criminal offense to kill pre-hatched birds, but you pay to kill pre-born babies.
We are not formed outside of the womb, but inside. This is how biology works, just like the bird in the egg.
This is what the Lord, your Protector, says,
the one who formed you in the womb:
“I am the Lord, who made everything,
who alone stretched out the sky,
who fashioned the earth all by myself (Isaiah 44:24)
Baby eagles in an egg are more protected than a human infant in its mother’s womb. You can get fined $100K and get a year in prison for destroying an eagle’s egg,
A stage-by-stage overview of the development of an unborn human being, beginning with fertilization and ending at birth.
Please watch this if you are considering an abortion or if you are pro-choice. WARNING, it is graphic and disturbing, but so is an abortion…
What does my baby look like now?

17-week old baby in its mother

35-week old baby in its mother

20-week old baby in its mother

actual 3D/5D ultrasound pictures

25-week old baby in its mother

3D Ultrasound & Real Live HD Ultrasound Image Gallery

30-week old baby
Norma McCorvey, the “Roe” of Roe v. Wade said, “I think it is safe to say that the entire abortion industry is based on a lie…I long for the day that justice will be done and the burden from all of these deaths will be removed from my shoulders.”

13 1/2-week old baby
The choice is to kill, or not to kill

about 7-month old baby
We are killing over a million babies per year. The death-on-demand holocaust continues. The bottom line: as long as the federal government uses our tax dollars to kill hundreds of thousands of children each year, it is a pro-death institution.
Movies, Testimonies, & Interviews
DISCLAIMER: Kingdom of God Ministry and Missions may not hold to all of the views and beliefs in the videos.
“Maafa21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America,” is a documentary film produced by Life Dynamics Inc. that reveals how eugenics and population control has systematically been used to reduce Black births. Maafa is a Swahili word which means “a terrible tragedy,” referring to the time of the middle passage during the slave trade. The “21” in the title refers to the 21st century, because, in reality, the “Maafa” has not ended. It is still being carried out today.
This is from Dr. Anthony Levatino’s testimony given before a house judiciary committee and broadcast on C-Span on October 8, 2015.
“Former abortionist: “I murdered more people than Ted Bundy.“‘
Listen to both sides of the debate.
Pro-abortion and pro-life arguments at a Kentucky State hearing on SB 9, also known as the Heartbeat Bill.
The young director (Abby Johnson) of a Planned Parenthood clinic, who aims to help women, witnesses something that makes her question a woman’s right to choose. (Based on a true story)
The hypothetical and manipulative pro-abortion argument debunked.
Most aborted babies are not in burning buildings, or a result of rape or incest.
“Abortion is legal because babies can’t vote!”
As a medical student in her 30s, Kathi Aultman was certain of two things: God didn’t exist, and women had a right to choose what to do with their own bodies.
The Abortion Industry’s Darkest Secret
Planned Parenthood’s working philosophy
“Beware, those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20)
INHUMAN: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry
From Abortionist to Pro-Life Advocate: A Story of God’s Redemption (Part 2) – Dr. Kathi Aultman
Response to "Women cannot be successful without the right to abortion."
By Barbara Buzzard
In a recent valedictory speech, Paxton Smith abandoned her approved speech and instead chastised Texas for passing the Heartbeat bill which limits abortion after a heartbeat is detected (6 weeks, though newest research reveals much earlier). I was both grieved and astonished to see how the new narcissistic mindset brings cheers and excited applause.
Paxton pleads for and demands the right to kill her unborn child.
Note: her “rights” are what have become sacred, rather than life.
She can’t bear having control stripped from her.
However, she does want to strip any control (right to life) from an unborn child
She is terrified – terrified of NOT being able to kill her child!
I am terrified – terrified that she, in her arrogance will not be terrified to take a life!
Her thinking seems to be so distorted that her hopes and dreams depend on the right to kill her children!
Lies have been force-fed and are so embedded in our culture that they have tricked us into killing our own children!
I rejoice to see that several young women have written to advise her to wake up, to breathe the freedom of Truth, and to recognize her indoctrination.
One writer says that the last thing she would ever want her daughters to believe is the lie that Paxton is promoting – that only when one is willing to take the life of her child can one have aspirations, goals, and dreams.
“Abortion is now the number one cause of death in the world.”
“Abortion is profoundly anti-woman. 3/4 of its victims are women: 1/2 of the babies and all the mothers.”
You’re in a conversation and someone says, “Pro-lifers just want to force their religious views on everyone else. They don’t really have a good reason to oppose abortion.” What would you say?
This animation shows how a small miracle is born. From fertilization over pregnancy to birth, the video shows what happens in a mom’s belly.
Pro-abortion people watch a video and change their minds.
The true story behond the abortion pill.
A Journey Through Pregnancy
Those who advocate for abortion emphasize that women should be able to choose what happens to their bodies—but as abortion survivors, Melissa Ohden and Claire Culwell are standing up to be voices for babies who are unable to speak for themselves, at any time during a pregnancy, or after being born alive in a failed abortion procedure
First Trimenster Medical Abortion: Abortion Pills
Although the IVF process involves creating life, it also involves discrimination and the sometimes intentional destruction of innocent human children as a means of fulfilling the wants and desires of adults.
We do not have rights at the expense of another person.
In the name of women’s rights – babies’ rights are snuffed out.
Women’s rights end at the point where another’s begin.

One Man's Story
Moments of Clarity
This is one man’s story condensed:
While he listened to the news on his car radio, they read an explanation of the substance of the Repeal Act (Virginia’s law that allowed the fates of children to be decided on after their birth).
“My fingers tightened around the steering wheel…My vision blurred and my stomach tightened…I got through the next stoplight and pulled over…I have never experienced such a thing. It was clarity. The realization of a lie…Something I didn’t see coming in the abortion debate, but pro-lifers saw a million miles back.”
[The case for abortion might expand to having virtually no boundaries!]
“I believe in God. I believe God tests us daily in our lives. On the question of abortion, I’ve failed the test each time I can think of, for a litany of reasons that boil down to cowardice.”
[I had taught myself to believe that abortion would have limits.]
“It’s simply not true, and I see that now. Gov. Northam’s admission that the fates of children could be decided on after their birth was not a slip-up or miscommunication, it was the mask slipping on an ideology of death that has been mainstreamed. I just didn’t have the courage and the clarity to confront it.”
“You could say I may have just had a panic attack. I would say it was given to me –and thank God for it…The sidelines are no longer where I belong…I’m joining the movement to defend the sanctity of life. If you’ve been on the sidelines too, I hope you’ll join me.”
(Stephen Kent, on 1/31/19)
This bill (HP 2491) has been tabled, but ominous threats continue in the canceling of the Hyde Amendment by the current administration.
In an honest and heartfelt interview, Greg Smalley opens up about what it’s like to be a post-abortive father.
- Many men have said that they regret lost fatherhood. See When Does fatherhood Begin– free at
- Men have said: we are responsible for abortion (at the Supreme Court level as all Justices were men) and we should be responsible for ending it.
- We have been so deceived that we are bereaved – but don’t even know it!
- How long can a good man remain silent?
- The most interaction I get when wearing my “Abortion Stops a Beating Heart” is from men. They have often wanted to discuss it and often give me a silent ‘thumbs up.’
- Which of you, when confronted with one of your children who was tormenting an animal, actually maiming it with the intention to kill – would not put a stop to it immediately?
> Adoption is an Option <
Pregnant? Get Help
At the first sign of pregnancy, Heartbeat International’s worldwide network of more than 2,700 pro-life pregnancy help organizations is here. They provide comprehensive pregnancy help to the woman wherever she is on her journey. From seeing the flutter of the heartbeat on her first ultrasound, to teaching parenting classes or coordinating an adoption plan, and providing material aid throughout the pregnancy and beyond. They offer compassionate support so that no woman ever feels that abortion is her only option.
Pregnancy Help News

18-week old baby
A Journey from Death to Life by the Abortion Doctor Who Changed His Mind (Bernard Nathanson, M.D.)
Synopsis and Update by Barbara Buzzard

6-month old baby in the womb
Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories
(Abby Johnson with Kristin Detrow) Review and Comment by Barbara Buzzard

3rd trimester baby
Does a toddler (or a teenager) have more of a right to life than an unborn child?

human baby in mother
A civilized society should not demand the right to kill its most vulnerable citizens.

8-week old baby
About Gianna Jessen, an abortion survivor

human baby
56% of women having abortions say they are Christians!

7-month old baby in mother’s womb
“Abortion of children is not just wrong. It is evil. It is diabolically, ruthlessly evil…A nation cannot destroy its own young and still expect to survive.

human baby
“100 % Pro-Life, Without Exception, Without Compromise, Without Apology”

13-week old baby
Book Review
Dehumanizing the Vulnerable When Word Games Take Lives
(William Brennan)
Forgiveness & Healing
There will be no condemnation for those who repent from a bad choice of having an abortion or performing them. God’s forgiveness and resurrection hope can help bring healing as well. Every baby aborted will be brought to life at the second resurrection and be “judged according to what they have done.” Since they have done nothing, they should be granted immortality in the age to come where there will be no more pain or death. We trust Jesus, the righteous judge to make right judgment.
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It’s a child – not a choice.
Abortion is not science; it is violence.
Abortion is now the number one cause of death in the world.
Any civilized society restricts the individual’s freedom to choose whenever that choice would harm an innocent person.
Can our moral senses survive if we accept abortion?
The unborn are people just like you and me – and that is why it is wrong to kill them.
The unborn can recognize language just weeks after conception.
You may call it what you like but in reality – what we are talking about is the right to kill.
Abortion has never been about choice. It’s about escaping the consequences of that choice by taking all choice away from another human being.
The Evils of Planned Parenthood
Find Out More...
Planned Parenthood and the Slaughter of the Unborn
Planned Parenthood advertises itself as a women’s health organization but in truth is little more than an abortion industry.
Planned Parenthood killed 354, 871 babies in 2019 which would equate to one unborn baby destroyed every 89 seconds. The increase from the previous year was some 34,000; with yet more and more government funds going for abortion.
Simply put – women deserve better than Planned Parenthood whose ugly eugenics history should be a most serious warning. Sanger, Planned Parenthood’s found and an avid eugenicist and champion of “choice” was celebrated by Planned Parenthood for years and has only recently been seen to be an embarrassment to the abortion lobby. I hope all readers are aware that Planned Parenthood employees work on a quota system. If they do not meet their monthly quota for abortions performed (babies killed) –they are penalized.
Dinesh D’Souza says that in some respects Planned Parenthood’s conduct is worse than that of the Nazis; genocide on a scale that exceeds the Nazi holocaust and without any moral revulsion about their practice of selling fetal body parts.
(D’Souza, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left)
Former Planned Parenthood nurse calls abortion clinic ‘evil, sad place’
Planned Parenthood is Selling of Fetal Body Parts Exposed Under Oath
Racism, Eugenics, & Hatred: Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
We protect whales, rain forests, trees, but not unborn babies.
On what moral grounds does a mother choose her child’s expiration date?
Abortion teaches that it is OK to use violence to get what you want.
“Our creator endowed us with the right to life and yet millions of children lose their right to life every year because of abortion,” (Governor, Greg Abbott)

Additional Resource: Live Action