KOG Missionary Partnership
Why invest in KOG Missionary?

Individual or Church Partnership
KOG Missionary Partnership allows you to participate in the Great Commission and proclaim Jesus’ gospel of the Kingdom to the nations.
Why invest in and partner with KOG Missionary? KOG Missionary keeps the Kingdom’s message at the forefront of ministry and missions. I also choose to sacrifice my life to proclaim this Kingdom message to the nations, as well as minister to the scattered saints.
Truth must be preserved and it must be sown and nurtured in the fields. The gospel of the Kingdom must be at the very heart of all ministry and missions, not an afterthought or left out altogether.
Jesus’ final command to the church was to go into the whole world and teach and preach the good news of the coming Kingdom of God. We cannot take this command lightly and we cannot compromise what he told us to do!
Not all are willing or able, to invest their time and energy in active mission and ministry work. The ones that are willing, are not able to work a traditional 9-5 job in order to pay bills and survive, as well as do the mission and ministry work. This is where teamwork and partnership come into play!
Don’t you know that those who serve in the temple eat food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar receive a part of the offerings? In the same way, the Lord commanded those who proclaim the gospel to receive their living by the gospel. (1 Corinthians 9:13-14)
Not all who are serving and proclaiming the Gospel are able to meet all of their needs through some “tent-making” side job. Also, not serving one “church,” makes it difficult to rely on consistent help. Evangelism and outreach must be supported by those who already believe and those desiring to get the Kingdom message and hope out to the nations, but can’t or don’t want to go and do it themselves.
Your partnership is truly co-working for the Kingdom!
“Dear friend, you demonstrate faithfulness by whatever you do for the brothers (even though they are strangers). They have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone forth on behalf of “The Name,” accepting nothing from the pagans. Therefore, we ought to support such people, so that we become coworkers in cooperation with the truth.” (3 John 5-8)
Restoration Fellowship Interview with KOG Missionary
Kingdom Work You Are Partnering With

Scattered Brethren Missions

Scattered Brethren Ministry


Missions & Ministry Fundraising

Connecting the Church to Missions
My (Tracy’s) personal ministry has many facets.
Correspondence (Teaching, Mentoring Encouraging): I correspond with, visit, and minister to individuals around the world and the U.S.
Online Women’s Bible Studies: Tuesdays (7 PM UK time/2 PM EST) and Wednesdays (8:30 PM EST).
Website: I created and manage this website in the hope to educate, encourage, and connect scattered brethren.
Videos (YouTube):
- biblical content for those seeking truth and for those needing to be encouraged in the truth
- content for Jehovah’s Witnesses & Muslims
- Youth Lessons
- Interviews
- Panels
- “Simple Bible Truth”
- “Bible Chalk Talks” and other animated videos
Missions Conference: I held several in-person and in 2020 we took the annual online. Many from around the world are able to participate and attend.
Evangelism: The website and videos (YouTube) are an evangelistic tool and a light to the World Wide Web. They reach the nations with the gospel of the Kingdom and the name of Christ.
In addition, I partner with other like-minded ministries and engage in fundraising activities to help support various ministries and mission fields. In addition, I also attempt to connect and engage local churches in local, national, and world missions.

As Hudson Taylor said, either you offer your prayers, you offer your finances, or you offer your life. I have been called to offer the latter and I responded to that call many years ago.
Ask God where He is calling you at this time. Prayers are greatly needed, as is monthly financial support to further this Kingdom work to the fullest.
To God be the glory!