Outreach To Jehovah’s Witnesses
& Ex-Watchtower
Panel Discussion Replay:
Who are the Anointed?
Panel Discussion Replay:
Who is the Faithful & Discreet Slave?
Dear Jehovah’s Witnesses, we believe that only Jehovah is God & that Paradise will be on a renewed earth after Armageddon. The wolf will dwell with the lamb and weapons will be made into plowshares.
Confidentially Connect with Us
Every Tuesday with Diana
Exodus Support Group
Questions All Jehovah’s Witnesses Ask:
- When will Armageddon Come?
- Who are the 144,000
- Who is the Faithful & Discreet Slave?
- Is Jesus Michael the Archangel?
- Who is my Mediator?
- What is “the Truth?”
Ex-WT Video Playlist
Dear Jehovah’s Witness Friends, it’s Time to Wake Up
Please do not lose your love for the truth or your desire to obey and serve Jehovah. Furthermore, we must keep witnessing and not compromise Bible truths. God has big plans for you and we are here to help!
Are you questioning the authority of the Watchtower Organization? Perhaps you are wondering how come the “faithful and discrete slave” is your mediator and not Jesus. Indeed, these are all good questions to ask, and you need not fear researching them. In fact, Jehovah wants you to know The Truth!
Jehovah’s Wittnesses, please consider the following links and videos. The Truth will not change if you watch and read them! After all, The Truth is the truth.
Questions to Help Wake JWs Up
1) Do you endeavor to be led by God's spirit in your life?
(Please read Romans 8:14 - "All those who are led by the spirit are sons of God.")
Are you a son of God?
2) Is Jesus your Messiah?
(Read 1 John 5:1 - "All those who believe Jesus is the Messiah are born from God.")
So are you born from God?
3) Did you accept Jesus?
(Read John 1:12 - "All those that accepted Jesus are children of God.")
Are you a child of God?
4) Is it true that you say there are two hopes, a heavenly hope and an earthly hope?
Is that the language you use?
(Read Ephesians 4:3-4 - "There is one Lord, one faith, one hope.")
So here we have one hope, and you say we have two. You say that you are not a son of God yet you have answered yes to all of these verses that seem so simple that a child can understand them.
Non-trinitarian Help for Jehovah’s Witnesses Facebook Page
Please Check out the Watchtower’s Beliefs Clarified Page
Beliefs Clarified page on WT.borg
Elder, Translator Escapes the Watchtower
“The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived”
(Who is Jesus & Did He Preexist?)
Ex-Elder Shares about the Governing Body
Former Elder’s Testimony
Former JWs Faith Story
Jesus “in Paradise” on Earth
1914 & “Invisible” Presence/Parousia
Armageddon, Judgement of the Wicked & Good
Watchtower Translator on “Pre-Human Jesus”
1914 “Presence”, 1918 “Invisible” Resurrection
Prophecy Discussion
Jesus: Man or Archangel
The Ever Changing Michael/Jesus Archangel
The Good News & The Kingdom
JWs Fading Away
JW Shunning
JWs Watchtower Two Class System, Zech. 8:23
Pre-Human Jesus: Colossians 1
“Invisible” Parousia
Ex-JW Elder on Holy Spirit Watchtower Lies
Watchtower 2-Class System, 144K, Publishers
Ex-JW Elder Exposes “Blood Doctrine”
A Call to Jehovah’s Witnesses & Christadelphians
Resurrection, Kingdom & 144,000
Q&A: JW Blood Transfusion
“Shunning” Practices & Teachings
New Found Christian Hope
Faith Story
Ex-JW Elder, Translator Escapes the Watchtower
Ex-JW Elser, Translator Escapes the Watchtower
The “Faithful & Discrete Slave” Debunked
Former Elder, Ever Changing, Failing Predictions
Shunning in the Watchtower
God’s Organization
How to Cope with Leaving the Watchtower
The Watchtower Organization
Watchtower Translator Exposes John 1:1, “a god”
Baptism and “Memorial Service”
The Divine Name
Ex-JW Testimony
Cults: JWs, Christadelphians, The Way Int., etc.
Blood Transfusions
Why Jesus is not the “Pre-Human”, Archangel
What JW Teachings Are Not Biblical
Don’t Stop “Organizing”!
Should I Stay or Leave the Organization?
Jehovah’s Witnesses, “For to which of the angels did He ever say, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You?’ And again, ‘I will be a Father to Him and He shall be a Son to Me?'” (Hebrews 1:5)
The Son cannot be an angel or archangel. After all, both angels and archangels are angels! Jesus was never an angel, because high priests are “chosen from among men” (Heb. 5:1). In addition, holy angels are immortal (Luke 20:36), which would make the death of Jesus the Son impossible.