Grateful Giving

100% of Grateful Giving Donations received will go to the mission fields we support!
2018 Missions Fundraiser – Now through Thanksgiving
We have brethren all over the world who love the truth just like we do.  Unfortunately, they have not been blessed with the comforts, opportunities or excess that we have here in America.

We, along with our brethren around the world, have been given much in regards to truth and the responsibility to sow the seed of the kingdom.  Together we are a powerful team reaching many more than if we each try to do it alone.  One of our biggest roles is funding outreach efforts for our brethren who do the footwork in their countries.

Please consider participating in Grateful Giving 2018.  Not only will you be investing in the HARVEST that is plentiful, but you will see in an even greater way how truly blessed you are and for how much you have to be thankful.
From now to Thanksgiving we encourage you to choose one or more from the list below to sacrifice for missions and spreading the Gospel around the world.

Get a Ziploc bag to put money in and/or a piece of paper to write down your donations as they come about.

Please send your donations to the MN Missionary Society, c/o Terri Moore, 50585 171st Ave, Verndale, MN 56481, and mark it as “Grateful Giving”, or use the donate “Give” button at the top. (To save the online fee, a check is best.)

Make this giving in addition to your current commitments to missions or your church.  Giving ideas:

  • sacrifice of non-essential things that you buy each week: snacks, ice cream, coffee, soda, eating out or anything extra
  • When grocery shopping, put back anything that you don’t really need and put the cost of the item in the Ziploc
  • Match non-essential items that you still choose to purchase
  • Pledge unexpected money that might come in during this time to go towards your Grateful Giving
  • Donate a nickel or a dime for every text or Snap Chat message you send or an amount for each hour on Facebook, video games, TV…
  • Pretend that you have a guest coming until Thanksgiving and donate $3/day for their food. (Make it fun and set a place for them!)
  • Write down your mileage today and after Thanksgiving Dinner and add it up and donate 10 cents a mile (or whatever you decide)
  • Pray each day for the brethren and put $1 in for each person you pray for that day, in essence, donating toward their ministry
  • Use your own creativity and if it is really awesome, please share it with us!
We will have a friendly contest between churches, so if your church would like to participate put your church’s name with your donation, or you can have one person collect it and send it from your church.  The winning church will be measured by a ratio of church giving to church membership.