Fair Evangelism

- Apply for booth at county fair
- Order “business” cards
- Order brochures
- Order books (Who is Jesus?, What Happens When We Die?, etc.)
- Order banner
- Print Pocket Guides (will be uploaded when finished)
- Print sign up sheet for Bible studies
- Get pens
- Make or get “props” for booth if using
- Recruit help (best to have 2 or 3 people at the booth if possible)

- Are you familiar with a biblical timeline like this?
- Have you ever wondered what happens when you die?
- Have you ever wondered what the End of the Age will be like?
- Have you ever thought about Jesus’ return?
- Have you heard much about the Kingdom of God?
- Would you be interested in a Bible study at Caribou later this month on the End Times?

- If people say they are familiar with biblical timelines or seem to have biblical knowledge, ask if they are a Bible student or work in a church, maybe a pastor. (You want to know who you are talking to and how to talk to them.)
- Set the stage with the booths around you or if you know you are talking to a strong liberal, pastor or someone you feel might be strongly opposed. Make casual conversation and then add in statements like:
- I just don’t understand how many people today can’t hold different opinions and still be nice to each other. (make personal example) Like you might be a democrat and I might be a republican, but why couldn’t we still be able to dialog politely and be kind to each other. Just because we disagree on things doesn’t mean we hate each other or want to harm each other! (Get them agreeing with you.)
- (Before they can say much on the LGBT topic try to get in something like this:) I am so tired of people saying that I am homophobic just because I disagree with them. It doesn’t matter what you or I think on the matter if we are Christians. I don’t care who you sleep with, it’s not my business. But the Bible says that homosexuality is sin so because I am a Christian that is what I believe. If you are not a Christian, it doesn’t matter what the Bible says then to you. But in any case, we can still be nice to each other. I have gay friends and we can still be friends. If my girlfriend is committing adultery and she is sleeping with the neighbor guy, that is a sin too and is just as bad in God’s eyes.

- Use the Timeline Flip Chart
- Kingdom Color Book w/verses (We will be making one and will have it available to print when it is finished.)
- Balloons (you would need balloons and to rent a helium tank)
- Paper crowns for children
- Make a narrow & wide road on the floor with tape or something
- in 2019 we got a little easel with a chalkboard and wrote a question to catch attention and make discussion. Q – “How many resurrections are there?”
Feel free to try different things and ask different questions. We started out asking if we could do a survey, then shortened and asked passersby if they would take the time for a two question survey. That worked better but because there were other religious booths near us who pressed to talk, it wasn’t as fruitful. You need to improvise as you go and see what works for each day. We found that by being friendly and asking a question about the fair or the weather sometimes got people to stop and took some of the “fear” away from a religious booth.
If you see people looking at the banner or books as they pass that is a good time to engage in conversation and ask a question. Just be confident and cheerful. You are God’s ambassador and mouthpiece!