Debate: Dale Tuggy vs. Chris Date
Jesus is Human and Not Divine

Tuggy vs Date
Debate took place on
May 31, 2019
at Pine Grove Bible Church
Moderator: Kegan Chandler

Tuggy vs Date

Dr. Dale Tuggy (PhD Brown University) is the producer and host of the trinities podcast ( He is also the author of What is the Trinity? ( Additionally, he’s launched a new podcast, “Thinking About Religion” in which he interviews various experts and scholars about major religions. Formerly a professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia (2000-2018), he has published scholarly papers on various trinitarian and non-trinitarian Christian theologies. Also, Dr. Tuggy resides with his wife and children in middle Tennessee. They attend Higher Ground Church, a congregation within the Church of God General Conference.
Chris Date is a well-known evangelical Christian author, blogger, podcaster, debater, and speaker. Not only does he represent a global movement known as Rethinking Hell (, he also specializes in the areas of Hell and Conditional Immortality. He has debated these topics with the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. Albert Mohler. In addition, Mr. Date is the Calvinist co-author of Does God Predetermine the Eternal Destiny of Every Individual Human Being? (2018) Also, he is co-editor of Rethinking Hell: Readings in Evangelical Conditionalism (2014). In addition to: A Consuming Passion: Essays on Hell and Immortality in Honor of Edward Fudge (2015). Furthermore, he graduated summa cum laude from Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science in Religion. Mr. Date is also pursuing a Master of Arts in Theology at Fuller Seminary.
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