
Various books on Bible-based topics that challenge you to look at the faith of Jesus and what he taught throughout his ministry.  You may be surprised!

One God Messiah Bible Anthony Buzzard

The One God, the Father, One Messiah Translation

New Testament with Commentary

By Anthony Buzzard

Read & Study the One God Bible Online

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Our Fathers Who Aren’t in Heaven

The Forgotten Christianity of Jesus the Jew

By Anthony Buzzard

There is an impressive consensus among New Testament scholars that the Kingdom of God was the principal theme of all that Jesus taught. The Gospel about the Kingdom of God is actually the New Testament name for the Christian Message of salvation. Yet today we hear little or nothing in public evangelism about the Gospel of the Kingdom. Jesus has been divorced from his own Gospel.

Return to the Messianic Jesus and His Kingdom Gospel

Anthony Buzzard contends that traditional Christianity has lost its grip on the Messianism of the Bible — that Jewish theme which Gentiles found, and still find, unfamiliar. If the various denominations are to find unity in a common belief in the Bible, it will have to be by a return to the Messianic Jesus and His Kingdom Gospel. No theme could be more heartening in our distracted world than the hope of a better world coming on earth when Jesus returns to take over the reins of world government.

Subtle forces from the world of pagan philosophy have worked to make basic apostolic teachings unclear to the churchgoing public. The Bible read in its own Hebrew, Messianic context comes alive as a thrilling document inspiring hope for a resolution of all the world’s problems and offering frail humans the prospect of living not only for a thousand years, but forever.

They never told me this in church!

A call to read the Bible with new eyes

By Greg Deuble

Greg Deuble has written a shocking book. He has learned to read the Bible from its own Hebrew perspective, and has shed a large quantity of traditional baggage. Because he is an honest student of truth, he has been rewarded with unusual insight. He has brought in a wealth of modern scholarly support for his argument, and the quotations gleaned from his wide reading are impressive. He adds a pleasing dose of Aussie humour to his writing while he invites us all to reexamine the major issues of biblical theology. The personal warmth of the author and his pastoral touch are evident in all he writes.

Return to the Messianic Jesus and His Kingdom Gospel

There is a consensus among many New Testament scholars that much of what the historical Jesus and his apostles taught has been submerged by an influx of post-biblical tradition. Subtle foreign influences, mostly from pagan Greek philosophy, which neither Jesus nor his first-century followers would recognize or endorse, have obscured the original Gospel as Jesus preached it. Most churchgoers accept without question, unbiblical traditions which they have never seriously investigated.

In They Never Told Me This in Church! Greg Deuble invites the reader to a careful re-examination of “the faith once delivered” in the light of the Hebrew heritage which formed the framework of all that Jesus taught in regard to himself and his Gospel mission.

They Never Told Me This in Church! will inspire and challenge all who claim devotion to Jesus, and many who are searching for the meaning of his role in history. They will be enabled to read the Bible with new eyes! The confused state of divided Christendom in our time demands just such an honest and radical investigation.


Simply God, YHWH 6,828: Abba Father, YHWH

By Joe Martin

This is a book from thirty years of teaching theology and the attempt to present the simplicity that the Bible presents concerning our Creator. The great “shema”, or Hear… from Deuteronomy 6:4, confirmed by Jesus in Mark 12 : 29,30 is the foundation of this simplicity. Four words to listen to are, YHWH Elohenu YHWH Echad, The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Since Jesus confirms this, why are so many confused, by confusing Jesus as YHWH? The simplicity of Jesus is found in his rebuttal of those who thought he was trying to be equal with God. His statement from John 10:36 is, I said, I am the Son of God. In Greek again, four simple words, Uios tou theou eimi, literally, Son of God I am.

The God of Jesus

In Light of Christian Dogma

By Kegan Chandler

At a very early stage in Church history, influences from the Greco-Roman world forcefully pressed the traditional God of Judaism through a system of pagan philosophy. The theological battles which followed produced serious problems for Christianity, and imperial edicts made accepting philosophical statements about God a matter of life or death.

Today, scholars are inviting us to reexamine whether these philosophies played any role in the preaching of the historical Jesus. Could reacquiring the Jewish worldview of the first century help us to better understand Jesus’ theology in our own time? Could revisiting Church history show us where we went wrong?

Challenge Yourself

In The God of Jesus in Light of Christian Dogma, Chandler embarks on a dynamic investigation of the developmental history of orthodox theology and its impact on popular interpretations of the New Testament. Relayed in two parts, the first provides a panoramic view of Hellenic influence on the early Christian faith, while the second revisits biblical interpretation. Writing for both the dedicated Christian student and the interested public, Chandler boldly appeals to both ancient history and modern scholarship to inform us about the origins of our most sacred traditions, and challenges the reader to contrast those ideas with the words of Jesus.

The Amazing Aims and Claims of Jesus

What You Didn’t Learn in Church

By Anthony Buzzard

Medical science is incapable of extending life beyond a few extra years. Jesus, however, claimed to know the secret of living forever. He revealed that secret clearly in his preaching about immortality and the Kingdom of God.

Thousands of denominations claim to be following the Bible as their guide to true religion. But they seem unable to agree about what it teaches. The Church is fragmented. Anthony Buzzard contends on the basis of Scripture that the Church is leaving out the major element of the saving Gospel. Protestant Reformers did not really protest or reform as fully as they claimed. They left a legacy of church tradition unexamined and unreformed. It is time to protest vigorously about the difference between Jesus’ presentation of the Gospel and the modern, easy-belief versions of the Gospel. Evangelicals and almost everyone else have forgotten what Jesus meant by the Gospel. They are defining it unbiblically.

The Secret of Immortality

Anthony Buzzard, with a long career in Bible research, writing and teaching, proposes that the secret of immortality is sitting right there in the Bible. But it is either obscured or neglected by churches. Churches have inherited a belief system which makes the New Testament a confusing book. Many experts in church history know this to be true.

Jesus came to reveal the way to life in the future Kingdom of God. Jesus’ Gospel or Good News was concentrated on one topic. Our destiny as human beings is to achieve indestructible life through future resurrection into the coming age of the Kingdom on earth. That is the heart of the Christian Gospel.

Anthony writes for the non-specialist. The first nine chapters are designed to introduce the layman to Jesus’ secret of immortality. Both the opening nine chapters and the more detailed material in the rest of The Amazing Aims and Claims of Jesus make their appeal to layman and scholar alike.

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The End-Time Timeline

By Jim Mattison

Retired pastor Jim Mattison brings together from various parts of the Bible what we need to know about the future and how we can prepare for it. He presents his material in a straightforward and well-organized manner. His work inspires confidence in God’s revealed prophecies and hope for the future of mankind in the Kingdom of God to be established on a renewed earth. This book makes a significant contribution to the preaching of the Christian Gospel of the Kingdom.

English, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Turkish, Urdu

Cultural Currents by Sean Finnegan (Free PDF)

This FREE e-book exposes six major cultural currents that are tugging at all of us, including hyper-individualism, tolerance, progress, scientism, consumerism, and patriotism. For each I illustrate the paradigm with a couple of examples from the culture before discussing the benefits and detriments. Lastly, I deconstruct the idea and show how Christianity provides a better way.

Theological Metamorphosis 2nd Edition

This paper, presented at the 2015 Atlanta Theological Conference, consists of two parts. In Part One, I explain the “theological metamorphosis” of Christian Disciples Church which took place around 2005 when we en masse, as a whole church spanning three continents, abandoned our longstanding belief in trinitarianism. In so doing, we were moving towards what is appropriately called “biblical monotheism,” in which no one but the Father of Jesus Christ is true God.

John 17:3

A Bible verse that impelled us in this direction was John 17:3 in which Jesus declares that his Father is “the only true God”. In Part Two, the longer of the two parts, we re-evaluate the deity of Jesus Christ in John’s Gospel. The sole authority for our study will be the Scriptures, the inspired Word of God. There will be no further mention of our church.