Bible Study Donations
Why invest in creating Bible studies of each Bible book?

Individuals, Bible Study Groups, & Churches,
It is very important to have quality study material that is rooted in Bible truth. As biblical believers, we should be supporting our own brethren and not purchasing study materials with false teachings. It is essential to have quality material to raise our children with and lead Bible studies. We should not have to compromise truth! Please check out the Bible studies that have already been done and see for yourself if they are not worth investing in for today, and for the sake of our future generations. Thank you!
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Bible Teacher
Terri Moore has had a lifelong fascination and love for God’s word in the Bible. She enjoys the challenge of understanding His messages and delights in inspiring and guiding others in their own study of the Bible. She has written and led Bible studies for over twenty years and has a goal to write studies for every book of the Bible, in addition to other writing projects. She is married to Pastor Jeff Moore, has two adult children, a dog, and three cats. She lives on a hobby farm with cattle, chickens, and sometimes pigs in rural Minnesota, and works as a substitute teacher.
Please consider investing in this important kingdom work that Terri has undertaken for the sake of us today, and for the next generations. She is very thorough in her research and diligent to stick to the truth found in the Scriptures. Her passion is writing and teaching, and she does both with her utmost for the Father. She is not only undertaking writing Bible studies for each book of the Bible, but she has a team that she is working with to create a quality children’s Bible that can be given to our children with no regrets and no unbiblical teachings.
This work is very time consuming and in order to give it the attention it needs and to complete it in a timely fashion (hopefully before she dies), we are looking for partners to invest in this crucial ministry.
Please consider how you or your church could be a part of this kingdom ministry, one-time or monthly.
To God be the glory!