Evangelism Training

Training in How to Share & Defend the Faith

Training in evangelism is essential for every follower of Messiah Jesus.  Therefore, we must be able to explain the truth about who God is, who Messiah is, and what holy spirit is.

Likewise, can you explain what happens to a person when they die,  or when resurrection is and immortality is rewarded?  Equally important, how about being able to explain where and when God’s Kingdom is going to be, and even, how to “be saved?”

Don’t just believe us, or anyone else.  As a Christian you must train yourself and study to show yourself approved.  More importantly, you must be prepared to give an answer to anyone who would ask about your faith, what you believe.

One God Messiah Bible Anthony Buzzard

Answers to Traditional Trinitarian Texts

Read & Study the New Testament Online

Look up the hard verses and read the commentary that goes with them for better understanding. Have an answer when people ask, “What about this verse?!”

Jesus asked, “Who do you say I am?” (EXCELLENT video to share with a trinitarian!)

One God
Messiah Jesus
Holy Spirit
Is God a Trinity?
One God, One Lord
1 John 5:20
Moses vs. Messiah

Key to Christology & Theology:  Jewish Agency,”shaliach”

Who is the One Creator? (part 1)

Who is the One Creator? (part 2)

How is Jesus Equal with God (John 5:18)

The word in John 1

John 17:5 “the glory I had with You”
John 8:58 “Before Abraham I am”
Philippians 2 “In the form of God; became human by emptying himself”

The God of Jesus

Psalm 110:1 (David calls Messiah Lord)
Isaiah 9:6
Jesus is “god”
Hebrews 1
Luke 1:35 (The Origin of Jesus)
Colossians 1
Is Jesus the Great “I Am”?
Son of Man

Jesus Accused of Blasphemy – Mark 14:53-65, Matthew 26

Alpha & Omega
Worshiping Jesus
Virgin Birth
Jesus was Begotten/”generated”

Revelation 3:14

John 20:28

Misunderstood Texts about Jesus with Bill Schlegel

“The Holy Spirit is Very Personal, But Not a 3rd Person:  God or Jesus”
“Baptism in Holy Spirit”
“Rapture” When is the Parousia?
What Happens When We Die?


The Kingdom of God ON the Earth (not in Heaven)
Once Saved, Always Saved

Satan & Demons