2024 Kingdom of God Ministry & Missions

7th Annual Missions Conference


session links below

The theme this year is ENDURANCE. We must run with endurance the race set out for us, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus!

We must compete well, finish the race, and keep the faith. (2 Timothy 4:1-8)

Jesus calls for steadfast ENDURANCE & faith from the saints! (Revelation 13:10)

As believers we need to exercise this faith and endurance in our own lives and take the same message to the brethren around the world encouraging them to do the same.

I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is going to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: Preach the message, be ready whether it is convenient or not, reprove, rebuke, exhort with complete patience and instruction. For there will be a time when people will not tolerate sound teaching. Instead, following their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves, because they have an insatiable curiosity to hear new things.  And they will turn away from hearing the truth, but on the other hand they will turn aside to myths.

(2 Timothy 2:1-4)

Kingdom of God t-shirts

Evangelism Opportunities & A Reminder to Pray

(All proceeds go towards ministry expenses)

Connect with Fellow TruthSeekers

A few Speakers may be added and times may still change

Our 2024 Presenters

Tracy Z

Tracy Z (HOST)

Thursday 7:00 PM EST

Opening of Conference

Sir Anthony Buzzard

Thursday 7:o5 PM EST


“Salvation: Getting the right foundation and enduring to the end”

Nancy Livengood

Thursday 8:30 PM EST


Evangelism & a New YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@BibleTruthsMatter

Dr Joe Martin


Thursday 8:30 PM EST

Muslim lady in hijab with head down

Pastor Dan Gill

Friday 6:00 PM EST


Enduring in Unity

Dr Joe Martin

Dr. Joe Martin

Friday 7:00 PM EST


Faithfully Enduring until the Coming of Christ



Friday 8:00 PM EST



Dr Joe Martin

Special Guest

Saturday 9:00 AM EST

Welcome & Special Guest

“My story of faith. I was infinitely glad to see my Christian international family! It was very joyful to see your love and support through a computer screen from far away, and although we were separated by vast distances of oceans and continents, our Great One God united us, it was one of the best days in my life. Thank you very much!”

Dr Joe Martin

Merryl DeMott

Saturday 10:00 AM EST


Sharing about Turkey Ministry

abortion speaker about healing

David B

Saturday 11 AM  EST

(United Kingdom)

Leaving the Watchtower

Dr Joe Martin


Saturday 1 PM EST

Dennis Baldwin

Pastor Dennis Baldwin

Saturday 2 PM EST

(South Carolina)

Have You Counted the Cost?

Ken LaPrade

Ken LaPrade

Saturday 3 PM EST


Enduring in Truth & without Compromise

Dr Joe Martin

Maryam & Haroon

Saturday 4 PM EST


Enduring with Truth in Ministry

Carlos Xavier Restoration Fellowship

Carlos Xavier

Saturday 7 PM EST


The Law of Sin & Death

Tracy Z

Tracy Z (HOST)

Saturday 8EndureEndure PM EST


“2024 Ministry Trip to Europe – Endurance!”

Dr Joe Martin



A few Speakers may be added and times may still change


All Times are EST (New York Time)

Thursday – October 31

Session 1

7:00 pm – Opening (Tracy Z – Minnesota)

7:05 pm – Anthony Buzzard (Georgia) – “He Who Endures to the End Will Be Saved”

8:00 pm – Nancy Livengood (Missoui) -Evangelism & a New YouTube Channel

8:30 pm –

Friday – November 1

Session 2

6 pm -Opening

6:05 pm – Dan Gill (Tennessee) – “Enduring in Unity”

7:00 pm – Joe Martin (Arizona) – Faithfully Enduring until the Coming of Christ”

8:00 pm –

Saturday – November 2

Session 3

9 am – Welcome (Special Guest Appearance)

10 am – Merry DeMott (Oregon) – Sharing about Turkey Ministry

11 am – David B (United Kingdom) – Leaving the Watchtower

 LUNCH – 12-1 PM EST

Session 4

1 PM –

2 pm – Dennis Baldwin (South Carolina) – Have You Counted the Cost?

3 pm – Ken LaPrade (Texas) – Enduring in Truth & without Compromise

4 pm – Haroon & Maryam (Pakistan/England) – Enduring with Truth in Ministry

SUPPER – 5-6:45 PM EST

Session 5

7 pm – Carlos Xavier (Georgia) – The Law of Sin & Death

8 pm – Tracy Z (Minnesota) – 2024 Ministry Trip to Europe – Endurance!

kingdom missions conference