Kingdom of God
Ministry & Missions
Discover the Gospel of the Kingdom of God that Jesus preached, and the One True God that He worshiped. Study the Bible and find like-minded brethren.
“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Matthew 24:14
2025 Theological Conference (online)

Friday, April 11 to Sunday, April 13
Click Here for schedule and speaker info
More Debates and Interviews Coming Soon!
Connect with Fellow Truth Seekers
Fill out the above form and mention you are interested in the women’s Bible fellowship & study if you would like more information and the link to join.
If you don’t have people of like-minded faith near you, please join our brethren in Atlanta for their LIVE Stream!
Jesus asked, “Who do you say I am?” Dr. Dale Tuggy
The Pagan Trinity
A Brief History of the Trinitarian Dogma
Was Jesus a Human Person (Examining Anhypostasis)
Professor Bill Schlegel
Debate: It’s Just War
Pray For The Brethren
- For the brethren’s faith to remain strong in Ukraine and Russia
- For all brethren to be at peace, to trust God, and love one another
- Opportunity to share the Gospel of the Kingdom
- For our scattered brethren around the world
- Pastor Maksim in Russia
- Save the Faith in Pakistan (Pastor Haroon & Maryam and team)
- Sister Ingrid in Sweden
- Brother Peter in Kazakhstan, tuberculosis acting up, feeling worse
- Brother Jakob in Denmark
- Sister Theresa in WA as she shares her faith to those she knows
- Sister Jennie in Australia, health concerns
- For Emanuel in Uganda & his 8 children and 8 orphans
- Majo from India while he lives and works in Oman – pray for his witness of the truth to those around him
- Current crisis in Malawi & Mozambique (Cyclone “Freddy”)
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Who is the real Jesus?
- God?
- Son of God?
- Messiah?
- Just a Prophet?
What Happens When We Die?
Free PDF
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What Really Happens When We Die?
- Go to Heaven?
- Go to Hell?
- Reincarnated?
- Just dead (like sleep)?
Creation – Evolution Videos
When Will Jesus Return?
“Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” ~ Jesus’ Disciples (Matthew 24:3)
End Times & Bible Prophecy YouTube Playlist
Kingdom of God Ministry & Missions Purpose & Vision:
- to preach the gospel of the coming kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus, God’s Human Messiah, to the nations, and to strengthen, encourage, and connect like-minded believers seeking the Father, the One True God.
- that all people would have the opportunity to hear the name of Jesus and the Kingdom Gospel that he preached, and so have the opportunity to repent and be saved.
~ Make Disciples Who Make Disciples ~

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