Kingdom of God
Ministry & Missions
Discover the Gospel of the Kingdom of God that Jesus preached, and the One True God that He worshiped. Study the Bible and find like-minded brethren.
“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Matthew 24:14
Debate and Interviews Coming Soon!
Connect with Fellow Truth Seekers
Fill out the above form and mention you are interested in the women’s Bible fellowship & study if you would like more information and the link to join.
If you don’t have people of like-minded faith near you, please join our brethren in Atlanta for their LIVE Stream!
Jesus asked, “Who do you say I am?” Dr. Dale Tuggy
The Pagan Trinity
A Brief History of the Trinitarian Dogma
Was Jesus a Human Person (Examining Anhypostasis)
Professor Bill Schlegel
Debate: It’s Just War
Pray For The Brethren
- For the brethren’s faith to remain strong in Ukraine and Russia
- For all brethren to be at peace, to trust God, and love one another
- Opportunity to share the Gospel of the Kingdom
- For our scattered brethren around the world
- Pastor Maksim in Russia
- Save the Faith in Pakistan (Pastor Haroon & Maryam and team)
- Sister Ingrid in Sweden
- Brother Peter in Kazakhstan, tuberculosis acting up, feeling worse
- Brother Jakob in Denmark
- Sister Theresa in WA as she shares her faith to those she knows
- Sister Jennie in Australia, health concerns
- For Emanuel in Uganda & his 8 children and 8 orphans
- Majo from India while he lives and works in Oman – pray for his witness of the truth to those around him
- Current crisis in Malawi & Mozambique (Cyclone “Freddy”)
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Who is the real Jesus?
- God?
- Son of God?
- Messiah?
- Just a Prophet?
What Happens When We Die?
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What Really Happens When We Die?
- Go to Heaven?
- Go to Hell?
- Reincarnated?
- Just dead (like sleep)?
Creation – Evolution Videos
When Will Jesus Return?
“Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” ~ Jesus’ Disciples (Matthew 24:3)
End Times & Bible Prophecy YouTube Playlist
Kingdom of God Ministry & Missions Purpose & Vision:
- to preach the gospel of the coming kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus, God’s Human Messiah, to the nations, and to strengthen, encourage, and connect like-minded believers seeking the Father, the One True God.
- that all people would have the opportunity to hear the name of Jesus and the Kingdom Gospel that he preached, and so have the opportunity to repent and be saved.
~ Make Disciples Who Make Disciples ~
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