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Persecuted Christians


Persecuted, Not Destroyed:  How Will You Respond to Persecution?

Persecuted on Behalf of Christ and His Teachings

What does it really mean to be persecuted for Christ?

Why do so many Christians think that they should suffer no persecution during this mortal life?

Why do so many Christians choose to close their eyes to Jesus’ teachings, rather than to suffer as a result of obedience?

Jesus told his followers to expect persecution.  He told them if he was persecuted, they shouldn’t think that they would have it any different.  A consecrated and committed life to follow Messiah Jesus was never portrayed as an easy life.

Fear or Love?

God put on my heart that the main reason Christians don’t want to risk persecution, is fear.  Perhaps it is also lack of faith, which comes from a lack of truly knowing and trusting God.

The Bible tells us that perfect love casts out all fear.  Throughout the New Testament we are told over and over again to “fear not.”  We must ask ourselves then, what is it that we fear?  Do we fear death?

As a born-again believer we acknowledge that death is our enemy.  On the same hand though, that does not mean that we should fear it.  We are warned to not fear what men can do to us, that is kill is, but we should fear God who can destroy us forever.

Persecuted for Christ and His Teachings

This life, if we are blessed, is maybe 60 to 100 years.  That is nothing if to consider eternity, or even just the 1000-year millennial reign, which is only phase one of God’s Kingdom plan.

Would we dare to risk immortality and life in the age that is coming for even 100 years of life now?  We must choose to obey because obedience shows our allegiance and our love for our Father and for His son.

Sometimes we will need to risk loss or death not because a gun is pointed to our head demanding “renounce Christ or die,” but because we choose to live in obedience.  Living for Christ is much more difficult than dying for him.  Dying to self, our own desires, plans, and worldviews cost us much more than taking a bullet to the head as a martyr.

Resurrection Hope

Death is sad.  It is sad for all those who lose a loved one.   Believers though are told not to mourn as those do that have no hope.  Yes, of course, we mourn, but we also rejoice in God’s plan.  We can rejoice because we know that we will be resurrected to life and be given an immortal body that will never die again.  That hope should be worth dying for if need be today.

Rationalizing Who is Our Enemy

We often hear, “Well, if anyone would try to take my things or hurt my child or grandchild, I would kill them.”  This does NOT sound like Christ.  In fact, Jesus raised the standard and taught us to LOVE our enemies.  (Someone wanting to kill you or your child would definitely be considered your enemy!) There were no clauses or exceptions with that command.  We all know the definition of “enemy.”  An enemy is someone who wants to do harm to you, or even kill you.

Disclaimer:  When I say to love your enemy or chose a life of non-violence, that does not mean that I would not put my body in front of a bullet coming at my child, or that I would not detain someone, scream for help or call the police.   The Bible says that the governments (police) should be in place for our benefit, ad they are not looked at as part of the church.  The church is to remain separate, yes obey the laws of the land as long as they do not conflict with God’s laws.

Count the Cost, Prepare to Be Persecuted

I challenge you to really consider Jesus’ hard words to his followers.  “Love your enemy.”  Are you willing to OBEY him?  It doesn’t matter how you feel or what you think.  It is a matter of obedience and a willing heart to obey our Master at all cost.  Are you willing to lose something in this life, or even your life? 

Those choosing to follow Christ were told to count the cost.  Lay down their lives.  Die to self.  They were told that the road is narrow that leads to life, and in fact, only a few find it.

Belief & Trust

If we say we believe in him, the result will be trusting him.  Belief and trust are both a choice.  You cannot say you believe in his words if you do not show that belief by trusting in his words and walking according to his words.

Do we not trust God enough that we are not willing to put not only our life in His hands but that of our children?  Are we so proud to think that we love them more than He does, and so arrogant to think that we can defend them better than He could?  Do we dare value this life about that which is coming in the next age?

Persecuted Chldren?

Of course, we must care for our children as best as we can, but in accordance with the teachings of Jesus.  We must be willing to put them on the altar though and choose obedience.  We saw the example of Abraham, the father of our faith.  He was willing to put his son on the altar; and the reason being, he believed and trusted that God could raise the dead. (verse)

If we love our children so much, we would be better off spending time teaching them and leading them in the way that leads to the life that is truly life.  We would not worry about this temporary and mortal life so much but live with peace of mind and spirit.

Bondage or Peace

In reality, so many, even Christians, spend their energy thinking about what could happen (probably as a result of too much television and news shows).  Yes, theoretically, all these terrible things could happen.  But what is the chance that they will?  Perhaps we would fear less and have more peace if we chose to just trust God that He would give us wisdom to deal with any terrible situation, if it ever came about, which again, most likely won’t.  Perhaps we should trust God that He would give us words, thoughts or strength to do what we could, and have peace in that if He allows us or someone we love to die, that is His will and He can bring us back to life.

We must grasp the great truth about the resurrection and have peace knowing that the dead will be raised.  We must embrace that hope and live as we believe it.

Persecution Avoided

We see in Scripture that people were warned not to go a certain way or to a certain town, and even to leave a town because they would have been persecuted or killed.   God will not allow us to die if He has other plans for our life today.  Therefore, we must live each day to its fullest and for His glory.

Premeditated Murder or Possible Persecution

It brings Him no glory if we are premeditating murder.  If a person has made their mind up to have a conceal and carry permit and carry a gun, they have made their mind up that they will pull the trigger and kill another person.  No Christian can justify this with Scripture or point to an example of any New Testament believer who did anything of the sort.  When we allow such thinking to take residence in our minds and hearts, we give way to Satan and we risk losing God’s blessings, peace, and possibly even immortality.

God’s Peace

God’s shalom peace is amazing.  It brings the peace that goes beyond our human understanding (verse) to those who are willing to receive it.  I encourage you to choose obedience and to choose His peace.  When you do, you will experience great freedom, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Do not remain in bondage to fear.  The jail cell has been opened; dare to come out, dare to follow the way of love that leads to peace and life.

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