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My Near-Death Experience

feet hanging over edge, near-death experience

My Near-Death Experience

My Near Death Experience

Are You Prepared to Die?

We must weigh every tetimony and near-death experience with the Scriptures. If it doesn’t totally align with sound biblical doctrine, then it is not from God.  There are many “near-death experiences” on YouTube where people claim to have gone to heaven, seen angels or talked to Jesus.

My near-death experience was much different.

Early in my teenage years I put myself in a position that I very well could have died.  I was climbing around on the side of a cliff with a winding river below.  It was a beautiful setting.  As I shimmied along the side, I finally came to a point of no return.  I couldn’t go forward anymore, up was too steep, and I didn’t want to go back.  Looking down at the swirling water that tumulted over a waterfall downstream, I came face to face with the possibility of dying.

My fingers were getting tired as I clung to the side of the cliff.  I was exhausted and as I considered my options, I didn’t like any of them.  When I pondered the option of falling into the water and going over the waterfall, my thoughts raced.

I had never really thought much about me dying, and I didn’t know one could have so many thoughts in such a short amount of time.  I believe that God used this to grow my faith and strengthen the truth that I love.

It was an amazing feeling realizing that I didn’t fear death and I was not afraid to die.  Although I did fear the pain I most likely would feel in the process of tumbling over rocks and the edge of the waterfall.  But even so, I had peace.  I knew I would be resurrected when Jesus returned and would be given immortality in the Kingdom.

So, what was there to fear?

The peace I experienced was like none other; even when faced with death.  I was so sure of my hope.  It became a defining moment for me and my faith.  Death may be our enemy, but it is only temporary for the one who has the resurrection hope.  Jesus conquered death, and so will we!

The strength I gained that day came when I was weak.  It fanned a spark into a flame and it became a force that has propelled me in my life and my ministry to this day.

I didn’t see a light.  I didn’t see angel or Jesus.  And I didn’t go to heaven.  I just hung onto the side of a cliff and talked to God about death and dying and confessed my faith in His promise of resurrection and His coming Kingdom.  That faith and my hope became very real to me that day.  My near-death experience gave me wings like an eagle and freedom from the fear of death.

My question for you is, are you prepared to die?  Do you have peace when you consider that today might be your last day?  And even more important, do you know for certain that you will hear the trumpet when Jesus returns and be one of the faithful that meets him in the air?

(My earthly father ended up throwing a rope over the cliff so I could climb up.  So thankfully, I am still here today preaching and teaching about the Kingdom Hope.)

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