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Walk in God’s Ways

Walk in God’s Ways

Walk in God's Ways - Deuteronomy 8

Walk in God’s Ways – Deuteronomy 8

Deuteronomy 8 is a stern, but loving, reminder from the Father, God Almighty, that He is a gracious God, yet has high expectations for His people and demands that we walk in His ways.  When we walk in God’s ways we are promised great things!

Therefore, you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him.  (Deuteronomy 8:6)

The Father reminds us of His faithfulness and that He is our Provider.  He makes sure that we know this, and He emphasizes that we should not forget this fact.


God’s commands are not suggestions.  He expects us to obey and He tests us so that He can see our hearts.  God humbles us and allows us to feel the needs we have, and then He shows His faithfulness and meets those needs from His own hand.  When this happens we learn to not only trust Him, but to love Him!


The Father disciplines us as any loving father would because of His love for us.  That is why He gives us warnings.  The question is, will we listen, submit and obey?!

We are reminded today that when we have success and are satisfied with our present lives, we must take care not to forget God who gave us everything.  God gives us opportunities, skills, health and strength to do our jobs and create a life for today.  He warns us to not allow pride to get the best of us because it will cause us to fall.


We are reminded that if we ever turn from Him and seek something else to take His rightful place, we will regret it.  We will perish.  Just like those who reject God today, we too will be snuffed out if we refuse to listen to God.

Blessings When We Walk in God’s Ways

In the end, God desires that we walk on the narrow path that Jesus set before us, with a pure  and contrite heart.  He holds out blessings to us if we choose to walk in His ways and fear Him.  He promises to bring us into a good place, a good land, where we will lack nothing.  Jesus spoke of this land and time of prosperity, the coming Kingdom of God.  (Luke 4:43)

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