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Spiritual Battle

Spiritual Battle

Spiritual Warfare in 2021 & Beyond (Suit Up with the Armor of God!)

Spiritual Warfare in 2021 & Beyond (Suit Up with the Armor of God)

Have you ever wondered what the armor in Ephesians 6:10-18 mean for the Christian in 2021 and beyond? Is this war on humanity even real?

This spiritual battle is real and there are casualties! Lets’ explore who and what we are battling, and how to be victorious.

Ephesians 6:10-18

On the news, you probably hear about wars and fighting all over the world. Maybe you even see it in your city or your school, as many have over this past year, as violence has exponentially grown.

In the book of Ephesians Paul encourages the believers to stand strong. I will be paraphrasing Ephesians 6:10-18 and adding some commentary as we go.

Now is the Time!

Paul begins by saying, now is the time! (Now was the time nearly 2000 years ago, and now is the time today! This warning and call to action is for the present, whether back when Paul spoke those words, or today when we read them.

Now is the time! You must be strengthened in the Lord and in the strength of HIS power. (I know you might think you are strong, I know I did in my youth! But the enemy is stronger and we need Jesus’ power in us!

Which Side Will You Be On?

No movie could capture the evil powers in the spiritual realms, not even DC or Marvel! This is a real battle. Satan wants to keep you, adults and children alike, out of the Kingdom! He is worse than Red Skull.  

Jesus on the other hand, wants us all in when he returns.  But you have the power to decide which side you want to be on? Jesus’ work is already done. Now you cast the deciding vote. You get to decide your future!

Which Side Will You Be On?

No movie could capture the evil powers in the spiritual realms, not even DC or Marvel! This is a real battle. Satan wants to keep you, adults and children, alike, out of the Kingdom! He is worse than Red Skull.  

Jesus on the other hand wants us all in when he returns.  But you have the power to decide which side you want to be on? Jesus’ work is already done. Now you cast the deciding vote. You get to decide your future!

What’s Your Protection in this Spiritual Warfare?

I have heard children say they keep Pokeman cards in their pockets to protect and help them.  Not only will they NOT help, but we are warned about putting our faith in anything other than Jesus. And from my study, Jesus would NOT play Pokeman or approve.)

And by the way, that is a good test to see if you should do things, or watch or listen to them. Ask, would Jesus go with me there? Would Jesus do what I want to do? Would Jesus watch the show or movie or listen to the music?  If you cannot, without a doubt, say 100% yes, then maybe it is better not to do those things or to turn the station, or turn it off altogether!

Clothe Yourself with the Full Armor of God

In order to win the battles you will face, you must clothe yourselves with the full armor of God, like Iron Man, from head to toe, so that you will be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. You can’t just put on one piece of the armor and think you will survive!

Our struggles are not against flesh and blood, that is, not ultimately against humans. (When someone bullies you at school, the battle is not just against the bully. First, it is against you to see how strong you are. Will you put your fists up right away and try to fight him yourself? Or will you ask God for help and seek His wisdom to know what to do?)

Seek God for Answers

When I was in 5th grade (and not really a Christian, although I did go to church), I beat up a 6th grade girl at school. TWO years later when I went to Junior High and was in the 7th grade, this girl was now in the 8th grade. The difference was, the year before I had made the decision to follow Jesus. I obeyed him and was baptized and I began reading my Bible to get answers to my questions, and God was convicting me as to how I should think and live. My mind was being renewed.

One day on the bus ride home she and her friends started bullying me and she wanted to fight. As a Christian now, I didn’t want to fight. I went home that night and searched in the Bible what I might do. Even without Google I found Proverbs 15:1 stood out to me. “A gentle response turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.” And this girl already had a lot of wrath for me!

To be honest, I don’t remember what was said, but I tried talking to her nice, calm and respectful, and you know what? Nothing ever happened after that day! I don’t even remember seeing her again!

This Spiritual Battle is Not Against Flesh & Blood (Humans)

So, it may seem our battle is against people, and in a sense, it is, that girl really wanted to fight, but, as we are told here, our real battle is against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. (Now that sounds like an exciting, yet scary movie; but it is real life and we are right in the middle of it!)

Since this spiritual battle is going on, you are told to take up the full armor of God so that you may be able to stand your ground on the evil day.  And after you have done all that you can do, with God and Jesus’ help, to still be standing at the end of each day, and especially still standing when Jesus returns, even if you are worn out and just leaning on your sword to keep you on your feet.

Stand Firm!

This is how Paul tells you to stand firm…First, you must put on the belt of truth, kind of like Wonder Woman’s lasso. And you better buckle it tight! You need to know what is true and what is a lie. Today it is much harder to know what is true, according to God, and what is a lie, because social media, movies, TV shows, and even in many schools, teach and promote lies.

Indoctrination in 2021

My friend’s granddaughter came home a year ago from kindergarten and announced to her mother that she was going to marry a girl! The other child earlier this year said a yoga mantra at the end of a prayer in Sunday school! When asked what that was, she told grandma they were taught that and practiced it at school when doing yoga!

This girl thought it was the same as praying to our Father in Heaven! Children are being indoctrinated right under their parent’s eyes and they don’t even know it!

My friend’s granddaughter came home a year ago from kindergarten and announced to her mother that she was going to marry a girl! The other child earlier this year said a yoga mantra at the end of a prayer in Sunday school! When asked what that was, she told grandma they were taught that and practiced it at school when doing yoga!

This girl thought it was the same as praying to our Father in Heaven! Children are being indoctrinated right under their parent’s eyes and they don’t even know it!

Who Controls Your Children’s Minds?

Another child was told that if they weren’t sure on their gender and if their parents weren’t accepting that, they should keep it a secret from them, but they could come to talk to the teacher. Children are being told to keep secrets from their parents! That should concern you!! Often, they can get an abortion, and now a sex change, without you evening knowing or having to approve! But you still have to sign a waiver for them to go on a field trip to the zoo!

Questions about Homosexuality

I remember when I was in junior high I was in a class and the topic of homosexuality came up. (I don’t remember the details but I am sure it was not like they are promoting it today, shamefully, even to the very young!) Again, I didn’t know what to think. From a worldly mind, I thought why does this matter?! So, I went home and searched the Bible to see what God had to say.

The Bible was my go-to book! There was no need to ask Siri!! (And to be honest, there was no Siri back then! I needed to trust God’s holy spirit to direct me and needed to look things up in my Bible on my own, just using the small concordance in the back of my little Bible. I didn’t even have a concordance at that time and there was no Bible software, because there was no software or computers!)

The Bible is Clear

The Bible speaks very clearly about this matter, and every other one I looked up. I didn’t have to think twice about what God says is right or wrong on this matter. It was spelled out quite clearly. I now knew what was truth and where I should stand in my mind on the matter.

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, the verbally abusive, and swindlers will not inherit the kingdom of God. Some of you once lived this way. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

Forgiveness is Always Available

As a side note, you can be forgiven if you stop and repent. Just like Paul said here, “some of you ONCE LIVED this way” meaning NOW you are not. And since they STOPPED and repented, they were now washed, sanctified, and justified.

At the same time when I was convicted of this obvious truth, God showed me that we must be kind to all people and love them, but this does not mean accept or go along with what they profess or teach.

Sin is Sin

There are many sins in the world and they can all be forgiven if people will repent, that is turn away from their sin, and follow Jesus and his teachings. It doesn’t matter if it is two girls sinning, two boys, or a girl and a boy. It is all sin! One is not worse than the other!

In addition, just in your mind is just as bad, as Jesus taught. It is adultery for a man to look at a woman and lust, even if there is nothing physical between them for real. This would cover movies, reading smutty books (women), or pornography. You will be held accountable for all of the above, and judged unworthy to be in the coming Kingdom, as we read in 1 Corinthians 6. God’s standard is much higher than the world’s!

Spiritual Armor: The Breastplate of righteousness

This all leads us into the breastplate of righteousness. We need to know what God says is right and what is wrong, not what we think or feel is right, not what our friends say or the world, or even a teacher; but what God says.

A breastplate will protect your heart and all your vital organs, like Iron Man’s armor. Righteousness is that breastplate! God determines what is right and what is wrong. Read the Bible and you will know!

God Determines Right & Wrong, Good & Evil

The world today tells us right is wrong and wrong is right. The Bible told us this would happen and Isaiah warned us.

Beware of those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness into light and light into darkness, who turn bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter. (Isaiah 5:20)

God first used the rainbow to represent his promise to Noah, that He would not destroy and cleanse the Earth again with water (next time it will be fire, but that’s another study!) That rainbow was hijacked and unfortunately today more people see it representing an alphabet of sin and great pride in sinful lifestyles, rather than a righteous God’s loving promise.

Programming is Programming the Children

Children’s TV shows like Blues Clues, a show my children used to watch, now promotes sinful lifestyles putting Satan’s propaganda into the minds of young children, as does Nickelodeon, another “children’s” channel.

The songs and jingles are imprinted in their minds and the programming begins. Parents, please be vigilant. What used to be a harmless cartoon, even educational programs, are now educating your children to think sin is normal and maybe worse yet, that they are evil if they think differently. You can’t even learn colors without Satan’s propaganda!


Satan’s goal is to fog your view so you can’t see God. He will use whatever and whomever he can. He wants you to think contrary to Scripture and he is the tempter.  Now this does not put your choice to sin on him. You can’t blame Satan or say he made you do anything.  You still have a choice and the final say, just like Jesus in the wilderness. And we have the promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13 to never be tempted beyond what we can bear.

No trial (or temptation) has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it.

God Provides a Way Out

God said He would provide a way out, but it is up to you to take it. He will give you an exit, but you must walk through the door, better yet, RUN if the house is on fire! You can leave the room, get up off the couch, walk out the door, turn off the tv or computer, or throw it out altogether.  You can delete the phone number, Twitter, or Tic Tok account.

Parents, you CAN take your children out of school if the temptation (that they don’t even see) is molding their young minds.  You will know this is happening if you listen to what they are saying and how they are saying it. The propaganda is not biblical and it will eventually destroy them!

A Father’s Role in this Spiritual Battle

Fathers, this is true protection of your family. There is a much higher probability that this will destroy your family than an armed man breaking into your house!  You wire your homes with smoke detectors, security alarms, and maybe have plenty of ammo, but, it is the hearts and minds of your children that are at the highest risk, and the Holy Scriptures, God’s precious and powerful words, are the weapon they need you to be carrying and training them to use.

Shoes: The Gospel of Peace

After the breastplate is firmly on, you better get some shoes on your feet, not to run fast like the Flash, but so you can stand firm like David before Goliath. It tells us that the gospel of peace is the shoes we must put on. Jesus’ gospel was the good news of the Kingdom of God that he would establish one day. Since we are talking about a soldier’s armor here, we must know that the shoes were not Crocs. They were leather shoes with spikes or cleats so the soldier would not slip. If you don’t want to slip in battle, you need to know the Kingdom hope inside and out because that is what you are standing on as a Christian.

Shield of Faith

After you get all this armor on you better pick up the shield of faith. This shield is way better than Captain America’s! And you are going to need this shield to block all the flaming arrows Satan is going to shoot your way! Don’t forget your shield when you get on the bus for school, go on a date, or hit the golf course. This shield must accompany you t the recliner or couch when you turn the TV on! Ask yourself if you think Jesus would watch this show with you or if he would he sing the song on the radio. If you don’t know, check in the Bible!

Helmet of Salvation

Our hearts and minds are closely connected. For your head, you will need the helmet of salvation. You need to KNOW that Jesus’ sacrifice was enough for you and that if you follow him and obey, you will be saved. (Saved from what you may ask? Saved from the grave! There is no leaving the grave except by being resurrected!

If you stand firm in this battle now, you will be resurrected, brought back to life, and be made immortal! NOTHING will be able to hurt you again.  You will never die again!  Isn’t this what so many people want and are looking for? They want to stay young and live forever.)

Sword of the Spirit: God’s Words

The last thing you need is the sword of the Spirit. This isn’t any ordinary sword and it’s more powerful than Thor’s hammer. It is the word of God, all of His words, everything that He or His son have spoken. And what He says is true.  We can find His words, and Jesus’, in the Bible. The Bible is your sword and you better learn to use it! It is the only offensive weapon!  And you should not conceal it, carry it in the open!

Prayer in the Spiritual Battle

And don’t forget, you have a direct line to the Father. When you need to, especially when the deadly arrows are flying over your head, you can talk to God, many call this praying, but really, it is just talking to God. Share your fear, questions, or concerns with Him. He can give you peace, strength, and wisdom.

Always Alert

Lastly, Paul says, you need to stay alert – all the time! Don’t be lazy or sleeping! Get off the couch! You need to stay strong and awake because this battle is hot and very deadly! When you pray, don’t only pray for yourself, but pray for all the other saints, your fellow Christians. You are on the same team and fighting the same battles!

Winning this Spiritual Battle

So, my friends. Get your armor on and stand firm! We already know who wins the war!

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