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Kingdom Citizenship

Kingdom Citizenship

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There is No Dual Citizenship in the Kingdom of God

When I lived in Russia I had residency, but if I had wanted to gain Russian citizenship, I would have had to give up my American citizenship.  Russia will not allow dual citizenship, as with many other countries.  You must choose your country and to whom you will give your allegiance.  Kingdom citizenship is no different.

There are many nations in the world today. Some governments are better than others, but overall, none govern righteously, nor do they put the needs of the average person first.

One Nation Under God

Today’s governments are vastly different than God’s will be.  God’s kingdom will truly be one nation under God!  (Isaiah 32:1)  God’s government will be set up by His anointed representative, Jesus.  This kingdom will not only be spiritual, as many think when they hear, “the kingdom of God,” but it will be political, as well.  God’s anointed Messiah will rule from Jerusalem and the knowledge of the One True God will cover the earth (Isaiah 11:9).  How amazing it will be!  And the saints will help Jesus manage the nations!

If we want to be a citizen of this kingdom we must be willing to give up any allegiance we may have to someone or something else.  There is no dual citizenship in God’s kingdom.  You will love one and hate the other (Matthew 6:24) .  You will have to choose to serve one over the other.

Resident Aliens

Obviously, even though we are resident aliens in the land that we live now, we have responsibilities.  We must follow the laws of the land, as long as they do not go against God’s laws.  God has not set speed limit laws, but every country has its own laws on how fast you can drive on their roads; therefore we must try to obey them.  We also have been commanded to sacrifice during this life, our desires, and even our very life if need be.  Jesus said the road is hard and the gate narrow, and few find their way in.  We are kingdom citizens in training and we must work now for the sake of this future nation if we desire to be a part of it.

God, through his anointed king, Messiah Jesus, will one day take back this world.  God is allowing another king to rule over this present evil age, Satan; but planet Earth will one day have one Sovereign God, the Father, and His Son and Messiah, Jesus, ruling in righteousness (1 Corinthians 15:20-28).

Where is your allegiance?

When you have to make a decision, who do you choose to serve – your own appetites, your country, or your God?  To whom do you pledge allegiance with your words and your life (Joshua 24:15)?  We cannot have two masters and there is no dual citizenship in the Kingdom of God.

There is only one election that really matters and takes place once in your life.  Will you choose Jesus as your president?  Will his governing laws rule your life today?  Who will you serve and to whom will you give your allegiance?

Serving God may be hard, but it is a labor of love.  There is joy in serving and even in sacrificing when done with a pure heart.  The hope and “retirement” compensation cannot be beat (Revelation 21:1-5)!

Choose wisely and choose life in the age to come!

Later we will talk about how to get a passport and be a citizen in this Kingdom. That too is quite simple if you are willing to humble yourself, walk in God’s ways, and obey.

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